
Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
As if you hadn't noticed we are growing. Thanks to you guys, through word of mouth alone, we have been attracting new members at a nice and steady rate. Hopefully Joe and I are up to your expectations on how a top rate facility should be run. If for any reason you feel that we are lacking in any department please let us know as we will do everything in our power to remedy it quickly. You will not hurt our feelings but give CrossFit Omaha an opportunity to become even better.

Keep up the great marketing that you guys do as we really appreciate it. Only you know who will like CrossFit or would enjoy true fitness irregardless of the false propaganda that surrounds us. Spread the CrossFit name but more importantly spread the word on what true fitness is really about and consists of. Let them know your passion for this program and what your are trying to accomplish as a result of being associated with CrossFit Omaha. Download this copy of the CrossFit Journal on what fitness exactly is and pass it on to those who you think may be interested in CrossFit Omaha or even just those who love to workout. Or use it to assist you in explaining why we do what we do.

Again, thanks for being yourselves and for all that you do, whether it's promoting this gym or the intensity with which you workout with. You guys are truly inspiring.

Happy Holidays!

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 reps

This is your opportunity to better your proficiency at this lift. Not only will the load be greater than usual but hopefully the technique will be your highest priority. We as a group are fairly decent deadlifters but as the reps increase form goes to shit. Do everything possible to keep this from happening! Ever! Do not be afraid of this lift, embrace it and the responsibility that goes along with executing it perfectly.

Deadlift Starting Position Intro, Mark Rippetoe...[wmv][mov]
Deadlift Starting Angles, Mark Rippetoe...[wmv][mov]
Deadlift Alignment Part 2, Mark Rippetoe...[wmv][mov]

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3 Responses to "Growing!"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Went to a ridiculous box gym today. Really made me miss crossfit! Lots of pictures of bodybuilders and only one squat rack.

    But I swallowed my disgust and did my deadlifts. Got up to a set of 4 at 285. I was starting to lose the arch, so I stopped there. I also did some thrusters and inverted rows, but not that whole WOD.
  3. Melissa B Says:
  4. That sux Paul..stay strong...I found out that a gym in my home town has Crossfit...AMAZING...I'm gonna try it out and I'll keep ya guys posted!!!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. i'm working every night this week, so i won't be at cross-fit:( i'll do what i can at the worthless creighton gym and hopefully make it saturday morning. going home next week, but i'll be back as soon as i get back to omaha after the holidays!

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