Holiday Parties

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
What a great time for holiday parties and the opportunity to do nothing.


3 Rounds For time:
30 Tuck Jumps
30 Pushups
30 Long Jumps
30 Pushups

For the long jumps try and jump a distance that is as high and as far as capable for the required amount of reps. Post time to comments.

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6 Responses to "Holiday Parties"

  1. paul Says:
  2. ouch. my friend senor patron betrayed me.

    you guys are awesome. i'm glad to be alive, and thankful to everyone who helped keep me that way.
  3. A Says:
  4. 14:21.4
    Who doesn't love 180 pushups? ugh...
    I am so sad to have missed Addi and Josh's party! I hope everyone had a great time!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. J & A:

    I had a great time at the party last night. Thank you for the hospitality. I knew the Patron would be a big hit.....ha ha
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Sooooo..... anyone know what time crossfit is going tomorrow?
  9. SharkBait Says:
  10. Wow, I've really slipped. Took almost a month off with the occasional workout here and there. Mostly been doin weighted exercises and what not. This one took me 18:54, but has given me new motivation. Florida is great and I wish I could have brought you all with me. Just been kicking back for now, taking a little vacation until the start of the new year when I start school again. Sorry I couldn't make the Christmas Party. I have a theory that you never someone say, "it was a great night, we were drinking tequila and..." Apparently, there is now more evidences to support my thesis! I miss you all will check back in from time to time to see how everyone is doing! But for now, 3, 2, 1, GO!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. We had a great time, glad everyone enjoyed themselves. As for a workout that didn't even come close to happening, I considered myself lucky when I became semi-productive at 3:30.

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