No Rest Day

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Eva T and a picture perfect thruster bottom.

If you haven't noticed, we haven't had a rest day yet this week besides Sunday. I decided to do this because of all you being out of town. I know that there will be a day or two where you miss a workout so I will post a WOD everyday this week and begin a new rotation of 3 days on/1 day off starting the new year. Keep the hard work up as you know what it will be like once we get back to business as usual. I wouldn't want you to meet pukie because of your lack of willpower to even get in a workout at home. Hopefully you know better than that. Joe and I are excited to get all Omaha CrossFitters back in town as it is not the same without you.

Thruster 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps

Focus on speed out of the bottom while the elbows stay high throughout. Apply the greatest force where leverage is most optimal, at the top. Always remember to completely lockout at the top by pushing the head through.

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