Skill Transfer Work: Split Jerk (behind the neck)
Focus on pushing yourself down to lockout, not the bar up (despite the weight possibly being light enough for you to press up). The behind the neck version allows you to keep the bar in a straight line (don't have to move the head out of the way) as well as reducing the possibility of losing the force you are applying against the bar (because the elbows falling when the bar is in front).
"Tabata Mashup"
DB Clean from the Hang (35#/20#)
Burpee Bottoms
You have 20 seconds to get as many db cleans as possible followed by 10 seconds of rest before attempting to get as many burpee bottoms as possible in 20 seconds again followed by 10 seconds rest before the next round of cleans begin. Do this for 8 rounds each or a total of 16 rounds (8 minutes). Your score is total reps for both exercises not your lowest round for each. Burpee bottoms should be performed with superior technique (heels flat) before worrying about how many reps you can attain, as they lay the foundation for efficient burpees.