Late Post

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Sorry about the late post, I was out last night watching UFC. The iceman was on fire and proved that he is still at the top of his game. He even got in a couple of takedowns for the points, smart game-time adjustments by his crew. What more can you say about GSP? That man is a beast and will be the sole champ again. All in all it was a great night of MMA.

Crystal and I are in Des Moines visiting family and had a chance to stop in for a visit to the CrossFit affiliate here in town. A big thank you to Tim and Angie Starmer of CrossFit Iowa for their awesome hospitality. They have a great CrossFit facility as well as awesome athletes that we had the honor of working out with. The workout was "Barbara" and it was a smoker with the three minutes rest in between each round. We hope to visit or have them visit more often. Thanks again guys.

Run, Row, Bike

Outside, Inside, on a treadmill, on a stationary bike, or in a river on a rowboat whatever you choose, go hard. Try and finish faster than you think is possible.

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2 Responses to "Late Post"

  1. A Says:
  2. Did "Tabata Mashup"

    76 total reps - lowest was last round with 5 DB and 4 BB. Is it possible for all muscles to have atrophied in a week??? Ugh. Worked on overhead squats with 25# bar. Getting better. Finished with 20 min of double unders. Also getting better.
    Looking forward to Monday. Please be kind. :-)
  3. A Says:
  4. Oops. Missed a round in tally. Actual count was 88.

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