Low, Lower, Lowest

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

(1) Box Jump,
(2) Squat Jump, and
(3) Air Squat


2 Rounds For time:
50 Box Jumps (24")
400 meter run
25 Squat Jumps
400 meter run
50 Air Squats

Today's workout consists of three types of squats, including a high squat with a high jump, a deeper squat with a moderately high jump, and finally a squat that requires the hip joint to fall below the top of the knee with no jump. Each one requires you to be flat on your heels during the decent as well as the ascent of the movement. The first two involve landings which also require you to land heels flat. Only go as fast as you can maintain perfect landings lest you are looking for an injury to occur. Oh yeah, have fun too!

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3 Responses to "Low, Lower, Lowest"

  1. paul Says:
  2. great job today, everyone. that was hard. the 6:30s looked like they owned it.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. This was a tough one, really pushed though, only thing I would have done different was make my breaks shorter, some of them got a little long.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Great job to everyone!! This was a tough one, but it's CrossFit. I really died on the runs and box jumps. I wish my box jumps were as efficent as Ricky's!!!

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