Up and Down a Wall

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Dip of the Push press: (1) Good, (2) Fault, (3) Fault

Shoulder blades, glutes, and the back of the feet should stay in contact with an imaginary wall throughout the dip of both the push press and push jerk. This allows you to drive the bar with the body (shoulders) as opposed to the wrists should the torso incline forward.

Shoulder Press
Push Press
Push Jerk

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2 Responses to "Up and Down a Wall"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Shoulder Press: 155 (1) PR!
    Push Press: 155 (3)
    Push Jerk: 135 (5)

    I also did a set of push jerks at 145, but I'm counting them all as failures because they were pretty ugly and didn't feel so hot.
  3. Addi Says:
  4. Shoulder Press: 75

    Push Press: 85

    Push Jerk: 90

    Definitely prefer the Push Jerk. I'm interested to know how high I could get if I was fresh. I think I have another 10 pounds or so in me.

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