Hard Work Everywhere!

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
I hope everyone liked yesterday's workout. You guys went hard and the times showed it. Great job. Here are your times.

Ricky - 13:30
Tovar - 17:50
Stacey - 18:04 (so close to beating Dustin)
Brandon - 18:42
The Professor - 19:01
Killer Kahrs - 19:47
Angela - 19:58
Kat - 20:15
Nick - 21:02
Kylie - 21:08
Crystal - 21:13
Melly Mel - 21:15
Courtney - 22:35
Blas - 24:42 (get that back healthy)
Joe - 25:15

Today we will work on Snatch from the ground and Pushups. Your goal is to get better at both. One the line of complexity these two sit at opposite ends but both are usually done incorrectly. Work hard to avoid this.

As many rounds in twenty minutes of:
12 Power Snatch (65lbs.)
10 Pushups

Here is a link to a website that covers the O-lifts with video demos for different variations and skill transfer exercises. Watch them and try to pick up some pointers that Joe or I may miss when teaching you these. Look at the stance, the pull from the ground, the second pull (or scoop), and finally the third pull (or the pulling of yourself underneath the bar). They also have an awesome journal they put out that covers the lifts as well as many other subjects pertinent to CrossFit and fitness in general. I would recommend subscribing to it if you have the means.

The Performance Menu - Olympic Lifting Demonstrations

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1 Response to "Hard Work Everywhere!"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I got to 4.25 rounds in 15 minutes, it was tough my legs were giving out.

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