Extended Work Cycle

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Yesterday was supposed to be a rest day as it was the fourth day of working out but the reason I didn't make it a rest day was that no one really did anything on Sunday. I am not sure why, but it may have had something to do with a little Saturday get together. lol.

I was really happy for those that came in yesterday and got in a great deadlift workout. Joe and I got in a lot of teaching that will only help you guys in your quest to become masters of the slow lifts. As Josh had mentioned, we have been working on the O-lifts quite a bit so you sometimes forget about the pull from the ground, powerlift style as opposed to the Olympic pull from the ground. Great job to everyone.

Rest Day.

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4 Responses to "Extended Work Cycle"

  1. Melissa B Says:
  2. Ok so I finally got back to the gym and decided to do mondays workout...or so I thought...I stopped after round 3 with a disappointing 14:44 on the clock. Thought I was gonna pass out and then Larry of the Power Barn in Cheshire and a Crossfit instructor noticed my awesome CrossfitOmaha shirt and asked if I wanted to join his son on 8 rounds of tabata squats. This was my first tabata squat experience and we shortened it to 6 rounds and my lowest set was 10 (and yes the highschooler kicked my butt). I was invited to join their Crossfit workouts at 5:15am on MWF, so I will let you know how it goes! Hope your workouts are going better than mine :)
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Thank goodness it's a rest day. I'm a little sore, all over the place. Guys, I can't thank you enough for sharing your expertise. I get frustrated with that lift sometimes, but I know in time, Ricky will be trying to catch me!

    Take care and I will see you tomorrow......AMIGOOOOOOO
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. i attempted the 100 burpees for time this morning. 15:35.
  7. paul Says:
  8. yeah, i need a rest day too. but i'll probably do a few pushups or something just to keep me on the straight and narrow.

    i am going to do 100 burpees for time soon. i am hoping for under 9.

    good to hear what everyone else is up to. I'm going to try to keep up, but it isn't the same, and on the lifts that require a lot of skill, i definitely miss the instruction!!

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