Three rounds for time of:
400 meter run
30 Deadlift (185#/110#)
30 Wall Ball (20#/15#)
Scale where necessary! This means do not use the prescribed weight if you have not mastered the prescribed weight. I want you to be the best deadlifter you can be because it is such a vital part of our program, so with that in mind choose your weight wisely (leave the ego at the door). In terms of wall ball, your main goal should be to hit exactly 10ft everytime. This is an exercise where it is easy to miss the target and count it as though you hit it. You have to make yourself accountable for missed targets. If you miss it don't count it, simple as that. You can only go as fast as you are capable, go too fast and you will increase your chance of getting injured (deadlift) or display technique that is udesireable (detioriating squat technique and missed targets on the wall ball). Go too slow and improvement does not occur. Find out who you are and what you are capable of and proceed accordingly.