The Snatch!

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Notice the path of the bar throughout the movement!

3x5 Warm-up sets
7x3 Work sets

This is an opportunity to work on the Snatch, especially each part including the first pull (deadlift), the second pull, and the catch. Here is some video of the snatch (posted below). I want you to focus on the path of the bar off the ground and the second pull or what happens directly after the bar passes the knees. The first pull if you notice has the bar follow a path that get closer to the body as it comes up off the floor. The knees move out of the way without ever fully extending. During the second pull, because you have gotten the bar closer, you will meet the bar halfway but very violently and explosively. In order to meet the bar halfway you will have to apply great force into the ground with the feet and fully extend the hips. At this point you will shrug the shoulders and pull yourself underneath the bar into a full overhead squat position.

Barbell Snatch - [wmv]
Snatch - [wmv] [mov]
(vidoes may take a bit to play)

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1 Response to "The Snatch!"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Sorry I missed today, I was really excited for this one. I love the lifts! I'm away on business so I won't see you guys til the middle of December. See you all then!

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