Glad to have you back!

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
I had a really nice holiday with my family in Texas and I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving as well. I look forward to seeing everyone of you this evening as we try and get back on track. Don't miss out!

For time:
200 sprint
15 HSPU's
30 Hang Squat Cleans (135#/95#)
400 sprint
50 Wall Balls (20#/15#)
20 Weighted Pullups (35#/15#)
600 sprint
30 Goblet Squats (35#/20#)
15 Overhead Presses (.75 BW/.5 BW)
800 sprint

Scale where necessary but on the same token challenge yourself to get as close as possible to prescribed weights. Goblet squats require a wider than normal stance, upright torso, and deep squat; very comparable to the barbell front squat. You may kip on the weighted pullups and use a band for the hspu's.

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2 Responses to "Glad to have you back!"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I finished up at 30:15 or 30:45, I don't remember which, either way I almost passed out when it was done.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. 2:02 left on the clock. was it set on 30 minutes? in that case, 27:58. this was a tough one, but good.

Thanks For Visiting!