Run, Pull, Push

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
800 meter run
Power Snatch w/ 2 overhead squats, 20 reps
(use the heaviest weight you can handle without losing technique, pvc, bar, 95lbs.)
finish with....
half tabata pushups (20 secs of work followed by 10 secs of rest for 4 rnds)

Note total time as well as lowest round of pushups. First part of workout will consist of Snatch technique. Take a look at these videos on the Snatch as well as ones you may find on the net. The videos may take a bit to load.
Power Snatch...[wmv] [mov]
Learning to Snatch, Coach Burgener...[wmv][mov]
Snatch: Arms, Coach Burgener...[wmv][mov]
Snatch Instruction, Coach Burgener...[wmv][mov]

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