Mavericks on top

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Picture courtesy/property of UNO Sports Information

If you didn't already know, our football team is undefeated and ranked #1 in division II in at least one poll. They are playing the University of South Dakota on Thursday night at 7:05pm here at Caniglia field in a battle for first place in the conference. The game is going to be televised nationally by CSTV (College Sports Television). This is a great opportunity for our school and it will be a great atmosphere for our football team. Because of this special occasion and because parking will be atrocious, CrossFit classes will be canceled on this night (Thursday the 1st). I will keep reminding everyone throughout the week.

Tell a friend about CrossFit and CrossFit Omaha. Show them your passion for CrossFit and how much fun we're having and tell them they are more than welcome to come and try us out for free.................

and then go out and ride a bike (if you have one) for 30 minutes. Try and cover as much ground as possible. If you don't have a bike, you better get your running shoes on.

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