CrossFit + Paleo/Ancestral Eating = Success

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Here is a link to Art Devaney's blog, a scientist/athlete who lives and promotes Evolutionary Fitness. This posting is on the subject of Carbs driving Insulin drives Fat. This post is in reference to an article in New York Magazine called "The Scientist and the Stairmaster", by Gary Traub. Read Art Devaney's post and then read the article and post your thoughts to the comment section. I would like to discuss this topic on Monday (if I can remember). Remember that CrossFit is only half of the equation and diet has to be just as important or goals such as increased performance and/or positive body comp changes will not or can not be met.

"The Scientist and the Stairmaster", by Gary Traub, New York Magazine

Rest Day!

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2 Responses to "CrossFit + Paleo/Ancestral Eating = Success"

  1. A Says:
  2. So, my breakfast of yogurt, granola and coffee with splenda just won't cut it, huh? :-)
    I read an article introducing the Paleolithic diet that I found very helpful:

    In conjunction with De Vany's paper,
    "Why We Get Fat," it coherently explains the reasoning behind such a diet. I am so lazy about food, I just don't know how to incorporate these ideas without becoming OCD. Neolithic food is so much easier. If people had a thing like cat food, a food that contains all the necessary nutrients, I would be thrilled. Just 3 bowls a day, and no required thought. Perfect!
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