
Ricky Frausto Filed Under: Labels:
Courtesy of Live Long Crossfit

Are You REALLY Doing Crossfit?

Several posts have been made about what CrossFit is, and isn't. This post is more about the work YOU are doing. The definition of CrossFit is very involved, but boils down to this; a program of varied functional movements performed at high intensities. There are many programs that may look like CrossFit at a glance; Bootcamp, HIT, Hardcore Strength Training, Underground Strength etc. The piece of training I want you to look at, and ask yourself is, "How involved am I in my own training?" CrossFit requires a commitment that is higher than just showing up. Are you committed to the ENTIRE program? CrossFit is not intended to be a workout that you do now and then. It is a progressive training method that requires you to be an active, committed part of. Many people can not make this commitment. We are not making a judgment on that. We have many clients at Live Long Fitness that do not do CrossFit. We have clients working for endurance sports, sport specific training, or functional training at lower intensities. What we are talking about on this site is CrossFit. It is simple, if you are not working at intensities that will illicit change, you are doing something else. If you are not training consistently 3-4 days a week, it isn't CrossFit. If you are not recording your training and measuring changes and gains, you are doing something else.

This post is not intended to be negative, or discount your training. It is a wake up call. If you want to train CrossFit, do it! Commit to change! If you simply can not, or will not invest in your training, we can work with that. We are simply unwilling to call something that is not CrossFit, CrossFit. It is not fair to the program, those who do train with intensity and commitment, and it is not fair to you. You will never get the full results of the CrossFit program by doing it passively, or half way. We are seeking to enlarge, and enhance the CrossFit community. This requires passion and comitment. If you want to grow and change within a positive and vibrant community, than CrossFit is for you.

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1 Response to "Sunday"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. This came up for me on a google search, I was enjoying it, then realized I wrote it! Thanks for passing it on, and giving credit. You guys have a super page..great WODs!

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