Dead-lift 1x5
After a thorough warm-up complete one set of 5 dead-lifts. The weight chosen should be 5 pounds heavier than the last time we did them on 120709 or maybe, for you, it was 120227. If this is your first time doing these, choose a heavy but manageable weight and record it for next time.
As many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
Post all results to comments/Logwod.
This is part 1 of why you should wrap your thumb around the bar and not over the bar. Click HERE for part 2.
You see a better way to do pull ups or to keep your shoulders healthy during pull ups. I see, why you are having trouble with overhead squats, jerks, and maybe even push presses. Watch both videos and see if you can't see what I see.
56 Burpees
Couldn't quite hold the 20 Burpee/min rate I was shooting for.
Great noon class today!
Didn't seem like a lot of work, but Julie and I were both a little shaky after that one.
56 burpees. Paced a little too much during the 2nd minute.
what's tall, dark, and handsome with a monster deadlift?
give up?
Nice work, noon class!
42 Burpees....yay burpees!!
Nice working with the 4:30...Great job ya all! Joe's lizard imitation is a classic for sure! LMAO!
45 or 46 Burpees
Good Job 9am!
55 burpes.
I could have gone a little faster on the burpes during the first 1:30 (got 24 in the first half and 31 in the 2ndd half). DL felt pretty good, reps 1-4 were done with descent form and then it went to hell on rep 5 but I got it!
Nice work 5:30.
56 Burpees.