At the moment, 6 AM is kicking a**. They show up in droves and work their butts off. Awesome group guys, keep it up.
Handstand Pushup Challenge: 20 reps
14 Responses to "Wednesday 081203"
hannah eileen
December 2, 2008 at 9:22 PM
what now, 5:30?
Mel C
December 2, 2008 at 9:43 PM
Ricky...sorry I wasn't there at 4, showed up at 4:30 because of work...blah. See you tomorrow (hopefully at 6am) for another of your "hey I have a workout for you" days. :o)
December 3, 2008 at 8:23 AM
I wasn't up for anything too brutal so I did, at Kahrs's suggestion:
50-40-30-20-10 jumping squats, alternating with
25-20-15-10-5 GH situps
i was hoping for under 5 but those jumping squats start burning pretty quickly.
December 3, 2008 at 8:35 AM
I did the WOD from a few days ago with 50 DU's and 20 of pullups and wall balls. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. But it was hard. I haven't done pullups in a while so it was nice to do that one.
December 3, 2008 at 9:03 AM
I did yesterdays wod Bounding 50 yrds 12 jumps I think 3 rounds of 12 bdywght lunges deadlifts 245 2 rounds 265 lst one box jumps 24 goblet squats 35pd 10.15 I was concerned about deadlift form so I was not pushing the place alittle disappointed with my time. However, I think that is how we grow and learn the strategic part of crossfit. Everyone in the 6am class great job. Donohoe out( alittle slower than usual from the ice)
December 3, 2008 at 10:07 AM
I did yesterdays WOD, my reps were 14,and I did it Super Rx'd BW is 120# deadlifts @ 132# goblet squats 25# 10:30 Thanks for pushing me Amanda!
John W
December 3, 2008 at 11:04 AM
I did Sunday's workout with Greg and Gina. 20 rounds 2 HSPU 4 Sit-ups 6 Squats 7:41 I caught myself zoning out on the sit-ups a few times and did some extra ones in there, my bad. Way to push it Greg and Gina! It looked like everyone was rockin again this morning. We should have a WOD challenge between the regulars of each class for universal domination (or something like that).
December 3, 2008 at 11:08 AM
Donohoe- Sorry if I was grumpy to you this morning. I did not mean to be rude. I feel bad that I was. I didn't even remember doing that. Really. Sorry.
hannah eileen
December 3, 2008 at 2:49 PM
Donohoe, Ang just can't control her anger that early in the day. She was just confused. I did the same WOD as Ang. I don't remember how long it took. 15:30, maybe. It wouldn't have been that bad but my shoulder was killing me and I ended up doing only 3 pullups at a time. O well. Great job this morning, crew.
December 3, 2008 at 4:47 PM
Hey check out this article, anyone on the Zone would be thrilled to see all the "junk" food with a low GI!!
Pizza and Twix here I come!!
December 3, 2008 at 9:06 PM
Worked on oh squats a little bit and then did the 20 rds of 5 pushups (banded), 4 situps, 6 squats w/ Mel. Took right at 19 mins.
Mel C
December 3, 2008 at 10:00 PM
Did the same workout as Cari, finished in 16.42. My legs are killing me.
December 3, 2008 at 10:46 PM
I did the HSPU sit up, squat thing in 9:19. It was a fun work out, counting to 20 was going to be a challenge for me, bit I got it under control.
December 4, 2008 at 10:29 AM
did a "sweat" workout tonight -- still trying to drop weight for saturday. Did 3 rounds of 750m row and 200 single unders. Didn't time it...won't be in again this week - got to rest! looking forward to seeing some of you on Saturday! :)
8938 L Street Omaha, Ne 68127
Ricky Frausto Jr.
Level 2 CrossFit Coach
USA Weightlifting Club Coach
Basic Barbell Certified
Run/Endurance Certified
Nutrition Certified Ricky's Training Blog
Joe Westerlin
Level 2 CrossFit Coach
USA Weightlifting Club Coach
Basic Barbell Certified
Kids Certified
Gymnastics Certified
KettleBell Certified
50-40-30-20-10 jumping squats, alternating with
25-20-15-10-5 GH situps
i was hoping for under 5 but those jumping squats start burning pretty quickly.
Bounding 50 yrds 12 jumps I think
3 rounds of 12
bdywght lunges
deadlifts 245 2 rounds 265 lst one
box jumps 24
goblet squats 35pd
10.15 I was concerned about deadlift form so I was not pushing the place alittle disappointed with my time.
However, I think that is how we grow and learn the strategic part of crossfit.
Everyone in the 6am class great job.
Donohoe out( alittle slower than usual from the ice)
BW is 120# deadlifts @ 132#
goblet squats 25#
Thanks for pushing me Amanda!
20 rounds
4 Sit-ups
6 Squats
I caught myself zoning out on the sit-ups a few times and did some extra ones in there, my bad.
Way to push it Greg and Gina!
It looked like everyone was rockin again this morning. We should have a WOD challenge between the regulars of each class for universal domination (or something like that).
Sorry if I was grumpy to you this morning. I did not mean to be rude. I feel bad that I was. I didn't even remember doing that. Really. Sorry.
I did the same WOD as Ang. I don't remember how long it took. 15:30, maybe. It wouldn't have been that bad but my shoulder was killing me and I ended up doing only 3 pullups at a time. O well.
Great job this morning, crew.
Pizza and Twix here I come!!