Sunday 081116

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


3 rounds for time
800 meter run
75 situps

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Handstand Pushup Challenge: 3 reps, or buy-in for 6

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7 Responses to "Sunday 081116"

  1. BC Says:
  2. knocked out my 3 hspu's for the day and that's about it
  3. John W Says:
  4. 14:36 Rx'd
    There was a nice little hill to get back to my house at the end of each run and I didn't have to split up the sit-ups. However, I did struggle with removing my sweatpants between rounds 1 and 2. Overall it was a nice little Sunday workout.
  5. hannah eileen Says:
  6. running up hill into the wind blows ass. i did todays wod untimed because i wanted to push myself internally without caring about time. the sit ups werent bad. i would have rather been painting than running, though. :) the mural is looking great.

    o and i did 6 hs negatives and 3 hspu.
  7. ZachR Says:
  8. 22:58

    Subbed 1000 meter rows instead of rowing. The situps were absolutely horrible. Then did my 15 HSPUs.
  9. Mel C Says:
  10. I need to buy in the challenge...

    Cutest picture HANDS DOWN of Gabe-y Baby!
  11. Cari Says:
  12. Did todays workout; didn't time it but seemed like it would never end! Tomorrow I'll be feeling those situps for sure.
  13. A Says:
  14. 14:19 on the ol' treadmill. Really enjoyed this workout - love those situps! Did my 3 HSPUs and then did about 8 negatives. Did them too quickly after WOD, so saw a lot of stars. Whee!

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