Friday 081024

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Rest Day.

Neil Wattier busting a** on the rower.

So it seems as though the Q & A has been given the green light. I will start setting things up and finding a date. Maybe sometime in the middle of November.

There are some of you that maybe aren't seeing the results you would like to see in the short time that you have been with us. On top of diet being one of the major reasons for this, the other reason is consistency with your training. I notice that those that excel the most within our group have consistently made it to the gym more than 4 times a week. Being in the gym and taking the intensity up a notch more than a couple of times a week is usually the quickest remedy to increasing your abilities. 

Fitness is not an every now and then thing, it is an all the time thing. If you are struggling with your progress, ask yourself if you are doing every thing in your power to improve. Do you know how to push the limits of what you can handle? Are you taking too many breaks? Can you push yourself beyond your breaking point/comfort level, near the point of passing out? 

If you want to improve, you have to put in the effort. Get your butt in here more often. Forget the clock and just push yourself so hard that you just might cry. Take control of what you can and can't do. Accept only that you will be able to do un-assisted pull-ups, pushups, etc. Always remember that you either get better or you get worse, you never stay the same. But don't take my word for it.

Congratulations to Katy Beezy for getting her first pull-up, then two in a row, and finally three in a row. Keep up the effort Katy.

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11 Responses to "Friday 081024"

  1. John W Says:
  2. Too bad Friday's a rest day and I'm gone all weekend to boot because after reading Ricky's pep talk all I want to do is push myself during a WOD. That's a post I'll come back a read before CF next week.
  3. BC Says:
  4. I second what John said, and I couldn't agree more. I'm by no means a "CrossFit badass," but I feel like I've come a long way since I first started in April. I'll admit that I was often half-assing it, I came in 2, maybe 3 times a week and in hindsight I was giving 75, maybe 80%. But around July or August something in me just clicked, and since then I'm in the gym at least 4 times a week, but usually 5, and the results have been there. I've lost 20lbs since mid-August - I even had to go buy new jeans last weekend, I can't remember the last time I bought a 32inch waist. More importantly I've seen the gains in the gym. In the beginning I could barely do a single pullup, and now I'm working on butterfly pullups. I can now do handstand holds for 30 seconds plus and I'm getting better and better at handstand pushups. Hell it wasn't that long ago that I could barely string together 2 or 3 double-unders, and now my PR is 43. I've gotten better at everything, and I would not have made it this far if it wasn't for Joe and Ricky, who are great coaches, and also for the amazing people I work out with on a daily basis. Mark, Alison, Angela, Matt and everyone else, you all push and inpsire me to do the best I can do. For those new people all I can say is keep going, keep showing up, give all you've got because the results will come. It'll hurt, but it's worth it.
  5. Addi Says:
  6. "all I want to do is push myself during a WOD"

    Definitely thought this said 'punch myself' the first time I read it... Never read at 4:45 in the morning. Bad idea. Funny, but not reliable.

    See you later, nooners... I'd like to make up the shoulder press, if I can... Just nothing using the ass cheeks, please. Had to sit on a pillow last night... Sad news!
  7. Jen Says:
  8. forgot to mention that along with the bad ass fitness you've gained you all also have a new bad ass hair cut. Keep up the good work.
  9. paul Says:
  10. Congrats, Katy, on your first pullup! That's huge!

    And congrats b christ on being a badass. don't be humble, brother, you've earned it!
  11. Mel C Says:
  12. I truly need to push my a**! I'm struggling with work right now but have only been able to go to the gym late at night (Which I absolutely hate). But goal (along side with graduating from college...FINALLY) is to become "Fit as F***" as Ricky would put it. more of these pep-talks on the'll get our asses into gear.'re an Xfit bad teach me stuff! Like better technique to double unders and wall balls!
  13. Chad Says:
  14. Good post Ricky. This one really hits home. I definitely need to get into the gym more. 2 or 3 times a week isn't cutting it. This has been a big change in my schedule and I've met some resistance, but my job and family are coming around to support my efforts.

    I'm in horrible shape and I always finish last, but I do push myself when I'm there. Some days I don't know how I'm going to make the drive home. I definitely wouldn't push myself this hard without the support I get, so thanks to everybody in the gym for that.

    My new goal is to get into the gym 4 to 5 times a week.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. "Do you know how to push the limits of what you can handle? Are you taking too many breaks? Can you push yourself beyond your breaking point/comfort level, near the point of passing out?"

    This is what I ask myself before, during after every Metcon WOD. During the workout my mind is like "STOP! I can't breathe, I need to rest a minute" and 10 minutes after the workout it's always, "I should have pushed harder..."

    I have this mental barrier that I am having a hard time penetrating. I have never been to the point where I have to puke or feel like passing out and that means I haven't broken that barrier yet. It's going to be hard, but my next goal to is break through that barrier, no matter how long it takes.
  17. hannah eileen Says:
  18. bz, way to be on the pull up! they are a bitch and you conquered it early!
    i took a week off. at first i felt guilty, but im glad i did. i wasnt excited about coming in anymore. however, my body is rested (ie: out of shape) and ready to be back in to full swing! i cant wait to be back to fittin' 5 days a week and zonin.
    see the real crossfitters tomorrow morning!
  19. Steve Says:
  20. I will admit to slacking it some nights... I know this may catch a lot of you by surprise (sarcasm). To reach down deep inside and give that extra 10% takes a lot of effort- especially on the days when it seems the world is conspiring against me. And I've got every excuse in the world why my eating habits suck. So I take strength in the coaching staff, those around me and maybe from hidden reserves deep down inside. I have been making an effort to turn the intensity up- I am tired of feeling like I could've given a little bit more. Mark, if it helps, try Kipling...

    If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew,
    To serve your turn long after they are gone,
    And so hold on when there is nothing in you,
    Except the Will which says to them, "Hold on!"
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Great post Ricky! I was there this morning...but your post makes me wanna go again!! I agree with mark about what your mind is saying during the workout then telling yourself afterwards you should have pushed's frustrating but I want to thank Ricky, Joe, Kylee, Amanda, and Jon for the encouragement and motivation!! Every time I want to stop I can hear you yelling "let's go laura!" or "Good job!" You guys are awesome! Way to go on the pull-ups Katy!! Ur reaction was priceless!! :)


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