Wednesday 080709

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps

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Joe, Libby, and I with Ken C., Jeff Tucker of GSX Athletics, Dutch of CrossFit Homeless, Gillian Mounsey of CrossFitNYC, and Greg Hammond of Concept 2 Rowing

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17 Responses to "Wednesday 080709"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. i hated today. after all the shoulder stuff yesterday i hurt anyway. then to come in and do this killed my shoulder. i just tried to raise my hand in class and couldnt.
    i got up to 63#
    tried for more on military and that didnt happen. i could have done more on jerk but i was tired and didnt want to. way to push big numbers this morning guys!
    addi, how was the pizza?
  3. Addi Says:
  4. Woohoo! I'm first!

    Gave the 6 am class a shot today - as much as I yawned and bitched, it's nice to get it over with before I can make excuses and skip. :)

    Had 75 on press - failed twice on 80.
    Push press = 80 (failed on 85 rep 6)
    Push jerk = 88 - could have gone heavier, but it's damn early for overachieving...
  5. Addi Says:
  6. hannah, you jerk! We must have typed at the same time. :)
  7. Addi Says:
  8. skipped the pizza.. though I did consider getting a frozen pizza for breakfast when i was at the store.. opted for eggs and cheese. Almost the same, right? I'll put in some oregano.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. press: 73# failed on 78#
    push press: 78#
    push jerk: 83#

    Everyone did a great job this morning!
  11. ZachR Says:
  12. Press 130#
    Push Press 145#
    Push Jerk 160#

    I was just happy to get through this entire workout seeing as how last time I did one strict press and quit for the day because of my shoulder. My 130# press matches my PR at the Midwest Challenge and I was very happy to get 5 reps of Push Jerk at 160#

    Good work 6AMers and welcome Addi to working out before waking up!
  13. Addi Says:
  14. I think I worked up more of a sweat yawning than I did lifting... 6 am is brutally early...
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Today I did July 3 WOD
    I did the 50 yard sprints with knee tucks.....
    6 sprints
    25 tucks
    4 sprints
    50 tucks
    2 sprints
    75 tucks

    Can't wait to see everyong once I get back in town.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. I'm not totally sure what I got to on any of the presses. Mel was like 20# ahead of me each time.
    But I do know that I went up in weight each time... and when I get to use my legs everything goes a lot better!
  19. Melissa B Says:
  20. Yes you do :) you totally smoked me on the push jerks!

    I got 93 on miltary press, I think 113 on push press and I think I quit after 113 on push jerk
  21. paul Says:
  22. nice numbers, guys! needless to say, i am very jealous and wish i could do this wod. i have been doing manual labor all day but am about to go make up a good wod.
  23. paul Says:
  24. 3 rds:

    5 225# DLs
    5 pullups (strict, palms in)
    20 box jumps (about 18")


    finally got my pullup fix and feel a lot better about life.
  25. A Says:
  26. So I really enjoyed today - in some sort of sick fashion. After yesterday, shoulders were pretty sore, but here's the deal:

    Press: 66.5#? Wow, is this hard for me. I clearly need to work on opening my hip in all oly lifts. It helps so much.
    Push Press: 97.5#
    Push Jerk: 93#
    There was one where I failed, but I can't remember which category.

    3:00 class was great! Although I probably spelled it incorrectly, welcome Carrie! It was great working out with you!
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Military 78...(missed @ 80)
    Push Press....80
    Push Jerk.....82

    Lisa did awesome tonight - good thing I brought my calculator this time ;)
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. Military Press--88lbs.
    Push Press------93lbs.
    Push Jerk-------97lbs.

    Thanks Reba for your motivation!

    Great job Danielle on your workout; we got off easy!
  31. Cari Says:
  32. Press - 55, tried 60 and got it up but used my legs
    Push Press....65
    Push Jerk.....60, failed on #5 of the last set

    Alison - it was great to meet you and awesome job today!! It was great having such a small class since I'm still learning and Ricky, you really helped me to understand the lifts ... thanks!
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. I got a "special" WOD so I did 10 ball slams, 20 wall balls, 30 box jumps 18". So I did 3 rounds of that then took a 2 minute rest, which wasnt enough! Then got to do it all over again with a 12" box, that made things a lot easier. Originally I was going to this 3 times, but got a break........Thanks so much! I was hurting yesterday, heartrate OOC (out of control), but felt great after.

    So some of you are not on the email list (send your info to and I am planing a Girls Night Out on Saturday meeting at Urban Wine on 10 & Jones at 7:30 then do some dancing at the Max. All LADIES can join. Questions 981-0369! So no leg workouts on Friday or Saturday, dancing will make us....Get low, get low, get low!! :)

    Nice work to everyone last night,

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