Thursday 080710

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Ten rounds for time of:
10 Pullups
20 Situps
30 Air Squats

Post time to comments.

CrossFit Omaha crew posing with Coach Rippetoe. One bad-ass dude who knows his shit.

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29 Responses to "Thursday 080710"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. forgot to mention the badass coach/athlete in the red!!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Not mentioned Jeff.... but never forgotten!
  5. kahrs Says:
  6. There is a still shot of Libby in the video on the main site today. Goes by pretty quick but it is there.
  7. Addi Says:
  8. Holy shit, this sucked! Scaled the pullups - 10-10-10-7-7-7-5-5-5-3... Got through the situps on the 9th round before the 25 min. cutoff. Actually kind of a miracle I didn't pass out and choke on my own vomit by round 6. This early morning workout thing is taking some getting used to!

    (The Totino's I ate around 11 last night probably didn't help... just couldn't shake that pizza urge, Hannah!)
  9. Addi Says:
  10. Beat you today, Hannah!
  11. BC Says:
  12. My first 6am class and I DNF'd. I was 4 pullups into the 10th round when time ran out - that was a damn fast 25 minutes. I caught my breath and finished that last round telling myself I didn't get up this early to DNF. I'm so not a morning person.
  13. Jen Says:
  14. 19:50 Scaled. I didn't do chest to bar. Two other things that didn't rips...and no breaking up sets. So, I guess that counts as some improvement.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Had a really bad week last week both exercise and diet. So I paid my penance today. I only finished 4 rounds and 10 jumping pull-ups and two trips down the hall in near misses with pukey the clown (glad I didn't eat a whole lot this morning). I had it coming, but still don't feel too whoopee. Did I mention I am glad to be back? Good job 6 am crew. Saw some amazing effort this morning.
  17. ZachR Says:
  18. Today was a sad sad day for me. For the first time in almost 8 months I quit before finishing a workout.

    Apparently I picked the worst pullup bar in the gym for this workout as i lost two chunks of skin during the first round of 10. I then ripped open two callouses during rounds 2 and 3. I made it through round 7 before deciding to quit on pullups (chest to bar).

    Nick and I were on about the same pace for the first 7 rounds so for the last three rounds I would start my situps at the same time as Nick. So I did 7 rounds of pullups and 10 rounds of situps and squats. Im at least happy that I did not break up the situps or the squats.

    Good work to everyone at 6am and see everyone tomorrow morning.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. i have absolutely no idea when i finished. maybe 23:something? i had a scaled workout of 4 pullups, 20, 30. i was excited that today was the first time i actually did pullups in a work out...and i learned how to string some together. it was a fun one but i have no grip left. great job this morning 6am'ers. jeff, you'll get chest to bar next time! see everyone tomorrow.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. i finished at 22:12, i did a scaled 4 pullups, 20 situps, 30 squats, i was also excited to do kipping pullups. Hannah your time was 21:something, you finished before me, good job! See everyone in the a.m.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Not able to make it tonight so either doing Taco ride or going to do the workout at 24 hour :(

    So some of you are not on the email list (send your info to and I am planing a Girls Night Out on Saturday meeting at Urban Wine on 10 & Jones at 7:30 then do some dancing at the Max. All LADIES can join. Questions 981-0369! So no leg workouts on Friday or Saturday, our legs can't hurt we need to....Get low, get low, get low!! :)
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. Hey Guys, I have gotten a few messages from some of you asking how my surgery went (which I totally appreciate) so I figured I would post real quick and let you know how things are going.
    The surgery went well, and right now I do have some pain but its not too bad (its a good thing I have a high pain tolerance). But I do miss see you guys and working out but I'll be back eventually.
  27. Steve Says:
  28. Courtney- Get well soon. How long til you make a full recovery?
  29. A Says:
  30. Courtney - we miss you. Hope you recover soon!
  31. Melissa B Says:
  32. So I was able to do the new standard pull ups for about 4 rounds (if that) and then I resorted back to my old Rx'd Ricky wrote 18:37 but I think it was actually 23:37 and I was spent. I broke up 1 set of sit ups, all sets of pullups and most of the squats.
  33. paul Says:
  34. Jeff Crelling IS the man.

    would've loved to try today's! but instead, i did:

    5 rds:

    10 candlesticks
    10 squats
    10 situps
    10 lateral lunges

  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. Steve, my Doctor said it would be 3-4 months before I can start to really go hard again, but I'll still be around.
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. well...i'm an idiot and can't read, or i have short-term memory loss. either way, i did:
    10 pull-ups
    20 push-ups
    30 squats
    i was wondering how anyone got through that in 25 minutes. i got 7rounds in 25:24. my arms hurt.

    and...i'm coming to omaha this weekend for a wedding and am going to try and make it in to cross-fit sat morning! i'm planning on hitting danielle's thing after the dance on sat, but am also planning on being out on friday night. give me a call. hope to see you all!
  39. ZachR Says:
  40. Did the CFE workout after work today:

    On a 6% grade, Hill or mountain do 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 min on, 1 min recovery between intervals.

    Ran on a treadmill at 6% incline at a speed of 8.0 and my distances were
    total distance: 1.91 miles
  41. A Says:
  42. I feel sick after today's workout. Whew! Completed all rounds in 22:55. Now, it should be noted that if I were well-endowed, my pullups would meet the new standard. As I am not, my pullups were pretty consistently an inch away from touching the bar. I think it should count! :-)
    5:30 was AWESOME! What a great class! Gabe, sorry for hitting you in the head several times...
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. DNF... That sucks. Helps if I could read, for some reason the blue 5 stuck out and I completely ignored the 10 ROUNDS above it... I was wondering why everyone was taking so long... Gave myself a nice little break in the middle... I think my final was 27:25 - This week has been a struggle!

    Way to go 5:30'rs.
  45. Anonymous Says:
  46. I was in serious pain at the end of this workout. My hands are not going to function for days...
    I am not sure where I finished- like 18 something I think. It was 30 seconds after Alison. I tried to stick to chest-to-bar for as long as I could, but when that stopped I was just getting as high as I could.
    Everyone at 5:30 looked great!
  47. Anonymous Says:
  48. 18 I guess was a made up time... Alison said she got 22:55 so I was probably at like 23:25 or so. Oops!
  49. Anonymous Says:
  50. Alison you are preaching to the choir if you know what I mean :) I finished in 25 minutes. Didn't have a stopwatch. I had to use a streching machine for pullups & only did 5. It felt like it was going to fall on me.
  51. kahrs Says:
  52. So Joe kept pushing me and I kept slacking till the last round. Finished at 24:30. Everyone at 5:30 put out some good work. Alison don't worry I ended up smacking Gabe to, he will learn sooner or later.
  53. Anonymous Says:
  54. Ouch!! My hand hurts... I wrestled for about a half hour and then did the WOD. I finished in 19:18. Luckily my left hand didn't rip until the very last set of 10 pullups or I probably wouldn't have finished. Got some blood on the pullup bar....Ooops. "Battle wounds," gotta love 'em.
  55. Anonymous Says:
  56. Chest to Bar: My comment is tougher and definitely will cause more tear on the hands....but hope to gain more strength using this method.

    Finished after Angela and Alison-not sure on exact time - Ricky wrote down 19:37 - so about a minute or longer after those two crazy chicks which actually would be 23 or 24 something:) My hands started bleeding during round 7 - the rest of the rounds were PAINFULLY slower, used my bloody shirt on the bar bc I didn't want to bleed directly on it!!!

    What ticks me off about high rep pullups is just exactly what happened, your calluses rip before your strength goes out - I wish there was magic to prevent that!!

    Sorry too Gabe - I knocked him in the side once too :(

    Shout out to Crystal - awesome pullups and all while carrying a child!!! Good for you!
  57. Anonymous Says:
  58. Thanks Reba! 5:30 was great! Hand tore on round 4. The new standard of kipping is gonna be tough, but I just gotta keep working at it.

    Anyways, DNF in the 25 min, but finished my last round anyways and finished at 26:49

    I did for 10 rnds:
    10 Pullups
    15 ball slams
    20 Air Squats

    Hand tore on rnd 4 so i switched to jumping pullups on rnd 6.

    See ya'll at 7:30.

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