Monday 080721

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Thruster 5-5-5-5-5 reps

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Compare to 080411

Chest to bar!

The Gene Collector, by Thomas Goetz - Wired Magazine (Personal Genome Project)

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22 Responses to "Monday 080721"

  1. paul Says:
  2. nice work, 6am! it was good to see you guys, but I can't promise i'll be back (though I didn't feel like puking until the every end)...

    did front squats instead of thrusters. 218x5. not quite a PR, but I was pretty happy with it.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I will see everyone on Tuesday! I have my fitness test today so I will not be making it in to workout! Happy Monday.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. today was my first 6am in a while and i love it. great work this morning, guys! lindsay, thanks for not making fun of my dancing!
    i got 82x5. i might have been able to get more but my wrists hurt. o well.
  7. ZachR Says:
  8. 152 x 5

    Thrusters felt better today then they have in the past few months. My technique has improved and my shoulder and elbow are getting stronger...finally.

    Good work to everyone at 6am.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. 82x5
    I tried 99#, I got one rep, failed on rep 2 & 3. I also did 63# for 15reps. Thrusters felt pretty good today.
  11. BC Says:
  12. More improvising. I found a log in a woodworking shed that I'm guessing was 50-ish lb's - a little light so I did 5 rounds of 10 to make up for it. I also did some 24" box jumps, 5 rounds of 10, to make up for the not-so-great vacation diet. Both felt pretty good.
  13. Melissa B Says:
  14. So did 5 of 105.5 and the tried for 113 and got 2 but lifted it up funny and couldn't get it back...then Ang and I did 10 rounds of 20 DUs and 10 med ball cleans
  15. A Says:
  16. Fascinating article. Considering the nature of capitalism, this prospect of "open-ness" is nothing short of terrifying. Unfortunately, we are all fooling ourselves if we think that a modicum of "feel-good" privacy policy is going to make a difference.
    The things that could be done for the human race, if placed within the right hands, versus what could happen if placed with the wrong ones...
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. I PR'd by 5# today with 104x5. I also did 104.5 a couple times and I tried 109 and that didn't work out at all. Then Ricky had me and Mel do 10 rounds of 20 DUs and 10 med ball squat cleans....
    10 rounds is a lot!! It was a great little workout to finish with though.
  19. Addi Says:
  20. 93 x 5
    It wasn't too bad on my legs - just too heavy for my wrists. They felt WEAK today.

    Did 200ish (didn't start counting until after I'd done at least 85... started counting with 80 just in case I guessed wrong) DUs. Strung together 12 a couple times, and quite a few sets of 7-10. Mostly 1 or 2 at a time, though, which is a little disappointing. Need to practice more.
  21. JimmyG Says:
  22. #174 x 5

    then max reps at #135 = 10

    finished up with 200 DU's

    Thrusters felt really good today, but that last set was brutal. After the sets of 5 #135 feels pretty first. I'm getting a little better with the DU's but still have a long way to go. I can't wait til tomorrow.
  23. Jen Says:
  24. Nice to have Paul at the 6AM class!
    I got 5 x 154.5 and followed up with 10 and 7 reps of 95 and then some pull-ups.
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. 7:30 class was awesome and fun...

    92lbs X 5 - learned something about thrusters ( elbows up!!! ) I had been trying to touch my elbows to my knees on thrusters - - once again I have no clue where I get those mishaps from! But form makes a difference!

    7:42 with the squats/jumprope/burpee combo that Ricky tacked on at the end...
  27. Steve Says:
  28. thanks kylie for pushing/correcting me. and where the hell did those burpees come from??? that wasn't posted!
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. Maxed out at 97lb X 5...had a couple of good reps that made the weight more managable than others. However, I was totally unprepared for the "Ricky special"! I could care less what my time was, I was just happy to actually finish. Thanks everyone for pushing me. Now that it's over, I'm glad we had that extra workout at the end.
  31. paul Says:
  32. HAHA! yeah, I love it (in a way) when Ricky throws something extra at us.
  33. Donohoe Says:
  34. Great job nooners,I got 185 for three then my wrists gave out. I am really working on getting the bar to my chest but my lack of flexibility in my shoulders and forearms is starting to piss me off. Always somthing to work on at crossfit i guess. Congradulation everyone on taking the path less traveled.
    Take care
  35. kahrs Says:
  36. So I did 40 Burpees today took 2:50. We will see what else I come up with for this week on not being able to use a gym. Probably will include a lot of burpees.
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. I got up to 63 lbs. First time lifting in a while so want to ease back into it. Felt good!! No clue on what the time was on the extra special WOD.

    Nice work on those burpee's Lisa!!
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. 135# X 5 - PR. I have actually never done any heavy weight thrusters so I didn't know what I would be able to lift. I made it to 130# after 5 rounds and decided I wanted to do at leat one more round so I did 135. I felt like I could probably do more but my wrists were hurting.

    So then I thought I was done for the night. I was wrong, Ricky had us do 3 rounds of 50 air squats and 100 single unders. In the middle of the third round he decided to add 25 burpees to the end. This was not fun at all but it felt good finishing.
  41. A Says:
  42. I thought I got up to 92# X 5, but I know I was less than the Rebanator. So I don't know. Either way, it's a hell of a lot more than I can normally lift.

    Oh, and the CFE workout 3 hours prior was a questionable choice.
    Did 8 rounds: 1:20 on :40 recovery. 2.2 miles.
    Finished with 30 un-even pushups. (15 on one side of the parking thing, and 15 on the other). Got some strange looks.

    Have no idea on time for the "Ricky Surprise," but it was great. I was so irritated when he scribbled "25 burpees" on the board in the middle of the workout, but LOVED it at the end! Phenomenal work at 7:30! You guys are amazing!
  43. zj Says:
  44. 154.5lbx3, than 2.
    Felt better for a little bit towards the end.
    95x14, than 7.

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