Wednesday 120822

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Front Squat / HB Back Squat 1-5-1-5-1-5-1 reps

In this workout, you will go from front squat to back squat to front squat, etc. increasing the load each set. Split apart, the sets are 4x1 for front squat and 3x5 for back squat. How heavy can you get your last set of back squats to be and without lowering the weight, can you front squat it for a single? Complete these on a 3.5 minute clock.

Post weights used from each set to comments/Logwod.

Who's excited about this? How can it help you? Will you dedicate the time it will take to help you?

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18 Responses to "Wednesday 120822"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. I can't wait to get my hands on that book. Geeking out over Kelly and Carl on the interwebs has been a huge game-changer for me. I could certainly be more consistent with my mobility and gymnastics practice, but even with the little I do, I see huge benefits. Highly recommend that everyone spend some time digging around on and Great stuff to play with on rest days! Keep your body happy, improve your movement, and win more at life.
  3. Gdawg Says:
  4. I've just recently begun to spend more than 1xweek working on mobility. I do the bulk of it Thursdays and Sunday rest days but the effects are very noticeable.

    Last couple weeks my goal has been to get 8-9 hrs of sleep at night which I've been doing pretty good at lately. The next step towards my main goal in crossfit is getting in the gym earlier to work on mobility more before WODS.

    I kick myself in the ass for not attending carl's seminar when he came to Omaha every time my gymnastics are tested. I am so excited for kelley to come in Sept and to learn so much! He's so smart.

    btw, the WOD for wed looks pretty awesome, good luck everyone!
  5. Stephen Says:
  6. 275 for last front squat. Nice to see Ricky bright and early this morning.
  7. Keva Says:
  8. Today I did 109-121-126-131-136-153-158

    I PRed on front squat by 37#
    My back squat was right around my PR for 2 reps.

    Getting stronger! Thanks Greg for making me push my weight.
  9. Keva Says:
  10. This comment has been removed by the author.
  11. Mark Says:
  12. I did 198-208-213-220-225-230-242(fail)

    I thought I could power through the 242 but I collapsed at the bottom and never had a chance. I could sure use some more squat days, I feel like a weakling watching everyone throw around those heavy weights today. Nice work 6AM!
  13. paul Says:
  14. Loved this one! Also discovered that my HBBS is stronger than I thought.


    I've been squatting more lately, so I'm sure that helps.

    Nice work as always, 6am!
  15. Addi Says:
  16. NICE, Keva! That's a seious front squat.
  17. Addi Says:
  18. One might even say serious.
  19. Shelley Says:
  20. Great PR Keva!!

    I haven't blogged in a long time...I've been working on oly lifts and supporting lifts/skills to get better with technique. I don't want to just be strong. I want to be fast and efficient, and I think this is helping. Some days I feel like I take two steps backwards and one step forward, but the past two months have helped me see improvement even if it's not every day. It has helped to have someone video and get feedback from others at the gym that can see what you're doing right and what you're doing wrong.

    I'm not sure I'll ever be a supple leopard :), but I can get closer to that than where I'm at now.

    As someone reminded me at work "If you're not failing, you're not trying hard enough". I think I make the mistake sometimes of thinking that failing is "bad". Sometimes you have to fail to know where you're really at.

    Long post, but I'm making up for not having posted in a long time.

  21. Gdawg Says:
  22. holy buckets Keva! Keep it up girl, that's awesome!

    good words shelley, you are doing great and I'm enjoying our failed and successful moments.

    Don't ever be shy people on strength days to ask the person next to you to take a video, it's a great way to learn & put feedback into perspective. after the workout today I replayed my video about 10x not only to see what I was doing, but to hear Shelley yell "you're stronger megan"...made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside haha!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day and I'd like to wish a very happy birthday to Mark P!


  23. Marie Says:
  24. Supple leopard? Ricky Frausto!!

    Shelley, you are super strong and I love having class with you because it's very inspiring.

    Squats kind of scare me because I haven't been able to access the drive or the "oomph" or whatever it is to come up out of the squat. So I end up going lighter in weight. I really want to work on this & am excited for 5:30 class!!
  25. Paula Says:
  26. My plan coming in was to end up with 154# FS which is my 1RM and 154# BS which which is my 5RM. Sweet how that works out. Ended up using the female bar which changed up my plan a little. So, I ended up with 148# on both. Could have gone heavier on BS but struggled to get up the last FS at 148#.


    Angie, it was great squatting with you and your superwomen glasses!

    Nice work 9am!!

    It is so nice to finally see a little more blogging!! Keep it up!
  27. Andy Gomel Says:
  28. Great job 9AM everybody worked hard. Thanks for the push Amanda I know I would have gone lighter if you had not picked our weights. At the end did another short one. Row 500 and then 5 ring pushups, 5 rounds. That was not so bad it was trying to keep up with Karen that made it tough.
  29. Nate Gray Says:
  30. 198. Felt good on the front squat but the HBBS was rough for me. Mobility is getting a little better. Awesome warm-up!
  31. JennG Says:
  32. Lifted with Stacie and Courtney tonight. Went in with a plan of exactly what weights I wanted to use....planning my last front squat to be 147#. My previous PR is 152#. Was talked into starting a little heavier than I expected. I did 147# on the 3rd front squat, then 154# on the last set of 5 back squats. Failed on 159# front squat. Sorta wish I had done 154# front squat for the PR, but like Stacie says, at least I know where I'm at now.

    I picked up the bar on the last warmup set and thought it felt heavy...remembered the wise words of one of the coaches (can't remember which)...if you tell yourself it's heavy before you start the squat, then you've failed before you've even started. Working on ditching some of the mind games, so made a little shift and just lifted.

    Stayed after and worked on some 2 pd kettlebell swings. Addi helped with a strategy to develop some elusive skills. Excited!
    Thanks for all the help, Addi & Stacie. The resources available to us at CFO are pretty amazing.

    Good job, 6:30!
  33. Stacie Says:
  34. Good to par-tay with you and Courtney, Jenn! I'm proud of you both, made some gains tonight that's for sure!!

    Just wasn't one of my days today but Addi is right, mentally I got stronger. Thanks for lending an ear Addi!

    174-198; 198-213; 213-232; 223(fail)
  35. Addi Says:
  36. Any time, Stacie! You're just getting back into the swing of training hard again. The PRs will be raining down when the time is right! Trust your plan and trust that your hard work will pay off.

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