Saturday 120811

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Open Gym - All Classes

Pilates w/ Carrie Adams - 8:00am / Sunday @ 12pm

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2 Responses to "Saturday 120811"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. WOD at Chalco:

    carry my 1.5 pd KB over 500 meters to get to start point then 5 rounds:

    160 meter sprint
    10 pushups
    160 meter sprint
    10 KB swings

    carry KB back to car.

    28:08 total time. It took me 6:21 to carry KB to start, 13:31 to do 5 rounds of WOD, rested 1 minute, then carried KB back to car. 7:16 to carry it back.

    Everything unbroken except for second carry of KB. I set it down once and rested a bit before finishing.
  3. paul Says:
  4. 5 sets of 15 GH situps
    3x12 DB bench press (50#s)
    3x5 DB rows (70#s)

    10 rds
    3 power cleans (176)
    10 wall balls (20)

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