Rest Day
Reminder, Pilates at 5:30 instead of open gym.

My favorite gal, Angie. Big props to this lady. She signed up for and completed every workout of the Open. She just recently got her first 20" box jump. She just continues to impress and inspire. She brings a light to the gym every time she steps foot inside.
Joe and I are very appreciative to have the opportunity to work with this wonderful lady. Keep it up Ang.
Look at those active shoulders in this picture! I wish I could get mine into that position!
Worked on skills this morning at 7 - deficit HSPU ( from greens), L-sits, and overhead pistols. Strict HSPU were not happening, but kipping went well once I found a hand placement I liked. I PRed my L-sit at :30. Then I did it TWO MORE TIMES. Last time we did these in class, I got :24, and that was a huge PR. Excited about this. Pistols started slow, but once I got warmed up, I was able to work up to a few solid reps each leg with the red pipe overhead.
Did a couple quick interval rounds of GHD sit-ups, burpees, and toes to bar. Meh.
At 9, made up yesterday's. Squat 3x5 at 176. Should have been 15-20# heavier, but I just felt slow out of the bottom. The 2nd and 3rd round didn't feel heavy, just slooooowwww.
I did a bunch of pushups Tuesday, and they were bugging my shoulder today, so I subbed ring rows. Whoa grip. Forearms never got a break. Definitely changed the workout. Probably didn't move any slower, though, because pushups would have held me back anyways. Got through 5 ring rows in the round of 21.
When did kettlebell swings get so hard? I used to love those things. Need to get them back.
Back squat: 3x5 at 279. Got heavy. 284 next week.
Then 10 rds:
12 pulls on the rower (about 100m)
20 situps (abmat)
3 power cleans (154)
Good one for me--I got tired, but I kept a fast pace throughout.
Angie is the woman! She has come so far since she started. She is always smiling and comes in everyday with a positive attitude no matter what the WOD is. Keep up the good work, Angie and keep smiling :)