Five rounds for reps of:
115#/77# pound Thrusters, 20 seconds
2/1.5 pood Kettlebell Swings, 30 seconds
115#/77# pound Thrusters, 20 seconds
Rest 3.5 minutes
The clock does not stop between movements. Move as quickly as you can from one to the next in order to maximize reps. Scale weight so that reps are not broken up at any time during any of the 5 rounds.
Post reps from each movement from each round to comments/Logwod.
A big warm welcome to our good friends Dan and Megan Fletcher. A great addition to our second to none community.
Thrusters and swings both felt good.
Sets were as follows:
Great job 6 a.m.!
Did more mobility afterwards for shoulders and hips/ankles. I then tested pistols barefoot. I was able to do them on right foot without heel coming up, but on left foot heel still came up slightly.
Nice work on the pistols, Shelley!! Skills ftw.
133 reps with 98#/1.5 Pd. Tried to keep up with Shelley on the Thrusters but NO CHANCE. The performance was distracting me from my own pain, tho! Thanks and awesome job, Shelley!
9:00 missed you Addi!
Nice Shelley!! Nice.
8, 14, 6 = 28
9, 14, 6 = 29
9, 14, 6 = 29
9, 14, 5 = 28
9, 14, 5 = 28
Welcome Dan and Megan.
I haven't done thrusters in a while. So, it was good to see them. They will probably show up in Open sometime!
Welcome to our family, Megan and Dan! I've had to pleasure of working out with them during the 6:30 class. They are definitely a great addition to CFO!
WOD: 121 for thrusters(x2) and KB swings... immediately following last set of thrusters each round, I completed 15 GHD. Left me with a little over 2 minutes to rest each round. 1.5 pd felt good for once!