See Video (Two minutes each side, each mob.)
L-Sit Holds - Max Time x 3 attempts
Instructions will be given during class. Rest as needed between attempts but you have only 4 minutes total time for the event. Only fully extended legs count as prescribed.
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
5 Triple Unders (or scale to 20 Double Unders)
10 Toes 2 Bar
15 DB Push Press, 35#/20#
Scale movements as needed. Keep a solid pace, about 80-85% effort should maximize the amount of work you can achieve.
Post all results to comments/Logwod.
Two minutes each side, each mob. DO IT!!
Got 8 rounds in the metcon. Went with 2 attempts at triple unders then 20 DUs on all but 2 rounds. Went 5 attempts on those rounds. Got the rope under 3 times each, but couldn't string them together. Something new to conquer....
Went 6 rounds straight of unbroken toe 2 bar
Got 22, 15, 12 for the L-sits (on plates). Tough!
8 rds + 1 triple on the metcon. I've gotten a few triples here and there in the past, but this was the first time I've been able to do them reliably in a metcon, so that's a PR. In at least 1 rds, I strung them all together with doubles in between. That felt awesome.
Great work as always, 6am!
L-sits were better than I expected - :24, :15, :15. Lots of work to do here, but I was happy.
Love Love Loved the metcon. 10 rounds + 1 TU rx'd. Got my first triple-unders today. Had a consecutive set or 2 in the warm-up, but all singles during the workout - usually preceded by at least one double-under. Missed at least as many as I made, but tried to not get frustrated. Mostly a success. Came really close to a second in a row a few times, but not quite. All toes to bar were unbroken, which I was really happy with. Focused on trying to keep the hollow as much as possible at the bottom. Seemed to keep my shoulders and low back from fatiguing as fast. Lost it at the end, but it held out long enough. On push press, tried to stay tight in the middle - I have a habit of overextending in an attempt to go faster. All unbroken until the very last round when I was just trying to finish the round before the buzzer. Broke that one up a few times just because I lost form and had to reset. Also, I peed on the last 2 toes to bar. Enough to be distracting during the push press. Glad I wore black. Thought you all should know.
9 rounds even on metcon doing 20 DU's instead of 5 TU's. I managed to whack myself many times in attempting TU's. I can add this to the list of what I need to work on. T2B were unbroken 1st round only. Push press unbroken all rounds, DU's were terrible first round and then good after that.
Metcon- 10 rnds + 30 reps. I got a couple TUs, and attempted 2-5 each round. After whipping myself I continued with 20 DUs. T2B were unbroken until the 8th rnd and push presses were all unbroken.
Happy Valentines Day all- go love someone.
L-sits went ok. first time up I got 13 seconds (i think). The 2nd and 3rd I lost my balance right away. These need much improving.
Conditioning- 13 rounds + 4 DUs w/ 35#. After attempting some triples during warm up I decided they were not happening today so I did the 20 DUs each round. Had to break up T2B about halfway through and didn't break up push presses until the very last round.
Not having my jump rope was a good thing today. I was forced to use one of the again faster ropes and this was a game changer. It was so light and fast, nothing like my buddy lee which is heavier and much more taxing on the shoulders. I'm buying a new jump rope.
Back Squat 77#
Rope Climbs
14:30 something
HSC- 252x2
1st round rx'd
2nd round 44 AS, 31 PUs
3rd round 41 AS, 26 PUs
L-sit 28 sec, 24, 20 i think
12 rounds plus 2 T2B
Keep me updated feels good to post again good luck yall and sectionals is coming right up!
7 rounds + 4 PP.
Thanks Jen Shannon!
So, which one do I get?
Today my rope got misplaced and I had to use one of the gym's again faster ropes ($14 @ No comparison, the again faster rope is much faster and less taxing on the shoulders.
The buddy lee rope is much heavier, but easier to control. The speed rope is just fast. It all depends on your proficiency with DUs.
There is quite the selection of jump ropes at the gym. I would try a couple out and see what you like.