Thursday 120223

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Rest Day

For those of you signed up for the Open, not able to make it on Saturday, and plan on doing it sometime today, please make sure and email We will be short on judges so it's imperative that we know who's doing it. We'll most likely have to run heats during every class depending on the time domain of the workout (i.e AMRAP in 20 minutes, 15 minutes, 5 minutes, etc.)

Since this is the case, please email asap letting us know you'll be doing it today and we'll try and organize it so everyone gets a fair judge and ample warm-up time. Thanks and have fun.

Yay or Nay? It's not set in stone but we're toying around with a sign that is more visible from L street. It'll also have a light shined on it so it can be seen at night as well. Post thoughts to comments.

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21 Responses to "Thursday 120223"

  1. paul Says:
  2. 7 min of burpees, huh? Well, at least that won't take too long.
  3. Kylie Says:
  4. I think the sign looks nice and it would be easier to identify from the street. Good luck, Omaha, with the first workout!
  5. DrBenDova Says:
  6. I like the sign. I would go a little bigger.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. I really like that sign! Look sharp and much more noticeable!
  9. Hilg Says:
  10. Interested in hearing the feedback from the first competitors. How much does the "touching an object 6 in above max reach" affect the burpee count??

    I like the sign, Ricky.
  11. BigD Says:
  12. 83 reps. May have to redo this Saturday afternoon.
    Hey Ticky, what's the rule if I redO on my own? Submit a vid to the games site?
    Btw, I like the sign
  13. BigD Says:
  14. Oops, damn fat fingers, shoulda said Hey Ricky. I hate my iPhone sometimes...
  15. Jen Says:
  16. The sign is great, but I don't think you need the CFO at the top. From a far it almost looks like a bow. If you remove that it will allow you to make Crossfit and Omaha larger. I like the idea of making it more visible from L st.

    Just the thought of 7 min of burpees make me sick. Good luck to all today!
  17. Tovar Says:
  18. I think the new sign would look great too! After reading Jen's comment though I do think you should get rid of the CFO and make Crossfit Omaha bigger. Or just make the CFO much bigger.

    And I really hope the guard dog standing in the doorway doesn't scare away new clients.
  19. Stacie Says:
  20. Jen read my mind. Rid of cfo allowing room for crossfit omaha to be just a tad bigger. If you really want to keep cfo, remove what's currently on door and add it there. Just throwing it out there!
  21. paul Says:
  22. Good points about the 'cfo'. Otherwise, I think the sign is awesome! I like the font.
  23. Unknown Says:
  24. All great ideas. Keep them coming.

    Something that was brought up on Facebook was that the CFO should be bigger because of branding purposes. So that down the road, people recognize CFO (as you see it on the sign) on shirts, cards, magazines, etc. and immediately think CrossFit Omaha without ever seeing the full name.

    If that was the case, should CFO be larger and more clearly spread so that it becomes what you notice and then CrossFit really big and Omaha somewhat bigger?

    Or still think CFO should be removed?

    Thanks for the feedback guys. It will go a long way in determining what direction we go in. Your voice does matter.
  25. Mark Says:
  26. I love the idea of putting sign up front like that. I also like the branding idea so you don't need the whole name to recognize CrossFit Omaha. However, I do agree that the CFO on the top looks a little off. What about putting the CFO to the side of the lettering and making it much bigger, the size of both lines of CrossFit and Omaha?

    86 burpees for me today and still feeling the effects of the black lung 3.5 hours later. I may try to do this one again Saturday if I can get off work. I think I should be albe to get closer to 100.

    The jump really did make them tougher once your legs started getting tired. Its not a big distance but you start to feel the distance get bigger and bigger during the 7 minutes.
  27. Gdawg Says:
  28. bigger CFO is my vote, looks really cool though!
  29. JennG Says:
  30. What about just putting "CFO", then put Crossfit Omaha on the door? The CFO could be big, especially if you looking for the recognition of that logo.
  31. Unknown Says:
  32. I thought about that too Jennifer but our logo isn't deeply branded yet plus we'd like the word crossfit to be noticed from L street since Reebok and ESPN have done a nice job of helping in that area.

    Although, an argument for your suggestion is to slowly not have to rely on the crossfit name but maybe we'll be moved and in a bigger gym by that time (wink, wink).

    Anyways, we have some proofs with your suggestions, on the way. I'll post them when we receive them.

    Keep the suggestions coming. I love it.
  33. Marie Says:
  34. Yes, make CFO bigger & spread out! Font is great. This will look awesome!!
  35. Jen Says:
  36. See what putting CFO on the building to the right of the front window will look like.

    Make it the same size as "Crossfit"
  37. Allison H :) Says:
  38. I like it. Bigger is better though ;)
  39. Addi Says:
  40. I like the idea of putting the logo on the door. White letters against the door would be a nice contrast with the black letters against the gray building. Plus, you'll be able to make it fairly large without it looking cluttered. I'd be interested to see what Mark's idea looks like, too.

    It would look sharp next to the window, too, but I think with cars parked out front it wouldn't be as visible from L St.
  41. Addi Says:
  42. I like the idea of putting the logo on the door. White letters against the door would be a nice contrast with the black letters against the gray building. Plus, you'll be able to make it fairly large without it looking cluttered. I'd be interested to see what Mark's idea looks like, too.

    It would look sharp next to the window, too, but I think with cars parked out front it wouldn't be as visible from L St.

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