Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
3 Power Cleans, 154#/114#
6 Burpees
9 Air Squats (2 count at the top)
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
Post only completed rounds to comments/Logwod.
Does the above have to happen for you to feel like you got in a good workout?
Post thoughts to comments?
Have fun everyone!
That guy in the picture is a tool.
Here's a link to another BeastModalDomain post. Since only 1 person commented on yesterday's link (thanks Kelli!) I assume no one read it. That's coo, whatev. I'm posting this one because I just think it's damn funny. And also, if you click on the "woman's physique" hyperlink in the middle you'll see a world famous money maker that we all know. It's almost games season for you big kids, time to get mean and destrominate some sh!t!
3 rds/cycle for me, rx'ed. Pretty rough, but the 1 min rest helps a lot.
And as for the question posted... no, I don't need that feeling after every workout. I get just as much work from days where we play around and work on weaknesses or mobility. And mixing in some longer duration but at a lower intensity, when you're beat but not exhausted.
Paul is a professor and chairman of the Omaha branch of al Qaeda. He dead lifts infidels for fun.
Addi is a bacon-eating Republican and staunch Michelle Bachmann supporter who's favorite workout is Annie.
JennG Is a former disciple of the Filipino Assassin. She can f you up.
BluejayRN eats suckers like grapes.
Tara Lynette is straight up gangsta. She also makes origami.
since i am still recovering from being sick all last week, went light today which still felt pretty heavy.
10 2/3, #77. Fun one!
My favorite - "don’t get ahead of yourself and try to do something that is going to slow you down to the point of not bringing the fucking lumbuh"
I used to think I had to totally collapse after a workout to derive any benefit, but I no longer believe that. However, I do love the feeling, especially after dealing with divorce clients all day.
BC, thank you, that was funny :) The client who can't add up weight & doesn't know her PRs...who does that? (oops, I'm trying to do better in 2012)
Thanks for the wrist wraps Jake.
Great job Jen S on the wodclub workout!!