Thursday 111222

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

(Click pic to appreciate)

The Crayon Crew (left to right: Garrett, Lynn, JessB, Jen, JessC, Crystal, and Cam)

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7 Responses to "Thursday 111222"

  1. Kristina Nash Says:
  2. That is one good looking box of crayons! Good stuff!
  3. BC Says:
  4. Ha! Love it!
  5. Kylie Says:
  6. Maybe they were going for this- or maybe I'm just a dork. But did anyone else notice that the colors of their tank tops/shirts are in the same order than that of the colors of the rainbow...
  7. Kylie Says:
  8. except there is no orange. but i still think it's creative and neat!
  9. Shelley Says:
  10. Made up back squat WOD from yesterday:

    265# last successful (2# below PR)

    220,230,240,250,265,twice failed at 275. First 275 wasn't quite low enough and second attempt, I got stuck at the bottom....a little frustrating because it felt good, and I expected to get it.

    Followed up with 6 minutes of pistols and walking lunges where I did max reps for a minute starting with pistols then max reps of walking lunges. No rest from one to the next. I wore regular shoes to work pistols more. These are still much slower than I'd like, and the right leg is so much faster/easier than left leg.

    Pistols: 14,16,15
    Walking lunges: 41,41,42

    My legs were fried after this!
  11. Jeremy Says:
  12. Rested the back again today so I did bench 1-1-1-1-1:

    For the metcon I did 5 rounds:
    -Prowler push one end of gym to the other
    -40 lunges
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Fun one today..... did a mainsite wod from a day or two ago.
    135# clean
    Ghd sit ups

    Don't break em up jon day!

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