Team Workout (Inspired by Santa Cruz Central)
Two Teams
Round 1:
AMRAP in 2.5 minutes of:
Team A - Burpees
Team B - Rope Climbs (chin above rafter and NO jumping off rope)
AMRAP in 2.5 minutes of:
Team A - Rope Climbs
Team B - Burpees
Round 2:
AMRAP in 2.5 minutes of:
Team A - Double Unders
Team B - Wall Balls, 20#/14#
AMRAP in 2.5 minutes of:
Team A - Wall Ball, 20#/14#
Team B - Double Unders
Split the class into two teams, Team A and Team B. Only one half of each team can be working at one time but all team members can participate within each AMRAP. You will also repeat each round for a total workout time of 20 minutes not including the 200 meter jog in between rounds.
Team score is total reps from round 1 + round 2.
Post score to comments/Logwod.
Rope Climbing Prerequisites
Looks like a lot of people are afraid of rope climbs (or the burns from not knowing how to do it correctly) from the looks of how many are cancelling their class times. That's too bad. This really is a fun and hard team workout.
Hope you'll reconsider.
This WOD was not all that bad. Teams / partners - I had fun.
Great Job 6am, we had 17 Ithink in class
Have no idea what our score was but got a great workout and had fun doing it. Yea, Team A!
Lots of good work at 6:30 by both teams!
I probably should have/could have pushed it a little harder on the wall balls.
Thanks for a great workout Ross, Steve, Shane, Regina, and Angie!