AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
15 Toes 2 Bar
15 Rock Stars, 44#/27#
Odd number rounds = 800 meter run
Even number rounds = 400 meter run
For the rock stars, one end of the bar must start overhead with arms fully extended (other end is on the floor against a wall). Begin the movement by rotating the body (allowing the feet to pivot) and lowering the bar (close to the body) until it reaches a point just below the knee. Return it to the starting position. This constitutes one rep. Alternate sides.
Post total meters run as well as what you thought of rock stars to comments/Logwod.
Pretty good, right? Awesome job Shelley and Greg. Anyone else got some good pictures of themselves dressed up?
Rockstars are good for the core.
Great job 5 a.m.!!
I kind of like rockstars. Need to work on keeping my abs tight during TTB so I don't hyper-extend my back.
Great work, 6am! Special thanks to Reba and Ricky for pushing me.
Thought I would hate this WOD but really ended up feeling pretty good afterwards...glad I went this morning...great showing at 6am!!
Great Job 6am!
I worked hard at not complaining about the long runs - such a nice day and snow tomorrow - I think I managed to get out without bitching once. PR!
Well done, 5:30!