Monday 110829

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Press 1-1-1-1-1 reps

Post weights to comments/Logwod.

MWod: Improving Shoulder Positioning (DO IT)

Jake Hinkle works out at the noon hour. He's been with us since April of 2009, both he and his wife, Allison Hinkle.

Jake is a contractor and does a lot of commercial carpentry work. Allison, who is a nurse, was just recently accepted into the nurse anesthesia program at Mount Marty College in Sioux Falls, SD.

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18 Responses to "Monday 110829"

  1. paul Says:
  2. certified badass, Hinkle is.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I wish teachers got more money for being in shape. That'd be awesome. Maybe I'd get a raise then!
  5. Kristina Nash Says:
  6. I believe this is the first time I've done this workout. I had to concentrate to keep my legs straight.


    Followed up with a couple strict pull-ups, a couple strict with negatives, and a few negatives at the end to round it all out.

    Congrats Allison! I've heard really good things about that program. A lot of hard work ahead, but it will be worth it in the end!! Good Luck!

  7. Shelley Says:
  8. 93/98/103/108/113

    113# is a 3# PR for me.

    Nice work 6 am.!!
  9. Kristina Nash Says:
  10. Hey Ricky,

    Can I still get in on the Thursday night competition?

  11. tina Says:
  12. darn! used my legs unintentionally..brain is not in control apparently. so i think i may only have not used my legs on the first 3 sets ..posted 58#.

    LOVE the mobility work. My shoulders were nice and warm for the working set. Thanks coaches for the great warm up and tips on good form.

    uh..bout the teacher thing -- my sister and I are both into fitness because of the bad example my parents set...sometimes it's easier as a kid to decide what you don't want than what you do!

    that said, teachers don't get paid enough and being fit is a good goal for anyone so i'm for it for all the wrong reasons1 :)
  13. Hilg Says:
  14. 142/147/155/155/159

    Felt good and heavy so i think I had the right weight.

    A cool breeze at Noon....whatsupwidthat!?
  15. Danny Says:
  16. 164-169-174-179-189(fail)

    186 is my pr so i tried to beat it my last set and failed.
  17. JonD Says:
  18. Press: 147-154-159-164-169
    Superset w/ hollowed out strict pull ups x7 each set.


    15 Wall Balls
    7 rounds plus 300m! Wanted 8 but running will continue to improve.
  19. jakeH Says:
  20. 142, 152, 157, 162, 167 (fail)

    Haven't pressed in a while and it was showing today. Did some HSPUs after class because my shoulders were all warmed up.

    Worked with Wes H and new guy Gary. Both did very well today.

    Thanks Paul, but you will be singing a different tune when that deck falls off your house. Only kidding.
  21. Allison H :) Says:
  22. thanks for the shout out! and yep... only in week 2 of school and it is RIDICULOUSLY hard! lots of studying. lots of reading. lots of homework.
    if it were easy everyone would do it, right?! :)
    hope to see CFO soon!!
  23. Steve Says:
  24. 164 lbs, new PR by 4 pounds. Good mobility warm-up at 4:30.
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. We throwindown tomorrow Jon Day?
  27. Addi Says:
  28. 84-88-93-98(barely)-103(shockingly, a fail)

    A little frustrating because I've been stuck right around 98 for a couple years (PR = 100.2), and it felt HARD. But realistically, I shouldn't have expected more - still nursing a bruised hand and I haven't been lifting consistently for a while. So I SHOULD be happy with 98. "Should" being the operative word.

    After, messed around with the headstand pushup (getting a little more consistent) and some front and back lever progressions. Those are TOUGH.
  29. JennG Says:
  30. 74-79-84- then failed 88 twice. Hadn't done this before so I'm ok with it. Will be able to plan a little better next time. At the same time, 84 felt pretty good, so had hoped to get at least 88.
  31. hannah eileen Says:
  32. stupid press. I hate this movement. Every time I do it, I feel like I have regressed immensely. I got up to 77# today, "tried" 82, but it didn't move from my collarbone. stupid.

    I loved the MWOD! It's such a great way to get a class started.
  33. Matt Hubbell Says:
  34. I maxed at 103, need to remember to keep wrists parallel with wall and tight abs
  35. Crystal Says:
  36. 73#. tried 78# but couldn't move it past my chin. need more technique work and strength.

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