Wednesday 110720

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
AMRAP in 2 minutes of:
5 Box Jumps, 20 inch box
5 Push Press, 75#/53#

Rest 1 minute between rounds. Complete 4 cycles.

Can anyone reach 7 rounds in a single cycle? Can anyone get 20 or more rounds for all 4 cycles? Can anyone do it with legitimate box jumps, simultaneous open KNEE joint/open HIP joint above surface of the box?

Post highest rep cycle and total reps for all cycles to comments/Logwod.

Another cool Pingel handstand

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15 Responses to "Wednesday 110720"

  1. paul Says:
  2. 6, 6, 6, 6, rx'ed. i like this. tough mentally, but i tried to focus on form instead of focusing on how out of breath i was.
  3. Kristina Nash Says:
  4. Good stuff, thanks for the pointers and encouragement Jon and Amanda!

    4,4,4,3.5 with scaled weight to 43#

    I seriously got a little light headed after round 2...I think I forgot to breathe:)

  5. Mark Says:
  6. 5-5-6-6. I should have went for 6 each cycle but I wanted to make sure I wouldn't gas out. I like these workouts, super fast with built in rest time!
  7. Unknown Says:
  8. You guys should go on the main site and check out the video on the Chan's. Very cool. Also, if you haven't seen the new store on, you should check it out. It is stupid expensive though. I have no idea who would pay $60 for a pair of gym shorts...
  9. Allison H :) Says:
  10. 5-4-4-3 rx'd.

    Pooped out on last round. It was insane hot there at noon. I wanted to point a fan right at my face! My goal was at least 4 rds for each cycle so I guess it evened out.
  11. jakeH Says:
  12. 8, 8, 8, 7 = 31 rounds rx'd

    maybe could have got 9 in the first round, but each subsequent round would have suffered. The last 2 minutes was rough. I think the biggest factor is picking up the bar immediately after box jumps. No rest, just pick it up. Every time.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. 6, 7, 7, 7, = 27 rds rx++ (77 lbs) I was distracted so all the bars were taken, I think those two pounds contributed to jon day smoking me in this one! Ha! I don't know what the heck happened on that first set. Nice work Jon and Jake and everyone else at noon!

    I agree with Jake, the hardest part was going right from the jumps to getting the bar up on your shoulders..
  15. Hilg Says:
  16. 5,5,4,5

    Mental test = C+ Had 25 seconds left in the 3rd round and chose rest over hammering out one more. It was all I could do to get the 5th round in cycle 4 so maybe I wouldn't have had the gas left for a productive cycle 4 if I had finished cycle 3......I guess we'll never know but I feel like I should have tried. Hot as Africa, even in the 6am.....ready for some cool!!
  17. Hilg Says:
  18. 5,5,4,5

    Mental test = C+ Had 25 seconds left in the 3rd round and chose rest over hammering out one more. It was all I could do to get the 5th round in cycle 4 so maybe I wouldn't have had the gas left for a productive cycle 4 if I had finished cycle 3......I guess we'll never know but I feel like I should have tried. Hot as Africa, even in the 6am.....ready for some cool!!
  19. Allison H :) Says:
  20. donde el logwod?
  21. ZachR Says:
  22. 7,6,6,6 complete rounds per cycle. Added a few extra box jumps at the end of cycles 2 and 3 for a total of 253 reps.

    Hot as hell but really enjoyed today's WOD
  23. JonD Says:
  24. 8-8-7-7 - 30rds

    I thought I got 9 on the first cycle but I lost count so I'm puttin 8 cuz im confident with that.
  25. BC Says:
  26. 4.5, 4, 4.5, 4.5 rx'd
  27. Paula Says:
  28. Check out the the video of Stacie on the games site! Stacie, you are one cool cat! Good luck at the games! I'll be glued to the computer all weekend!

    Miss you all at CFO! Work has gotten really crazy and will get worse during fall. We have had multiple people quit, 3 maternity leaves coming up, my call days have increased and my hours are changing....starting earlier and staying later. So, with that said I'll be back in December. I thought about leaving as well, but having 19 years invested it's makes it hard to leave.

    I will still check the blog everyday at least 10 times to keep on you all!
  29. Jess Says:
  30. 4, 4, 4, and 5 rds using 33# for PP and 3 reds for box jumps

    Great job 6:30pm


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