AMRAP in 2 minutes of:
5 Box Jumps, 20 inch box
5 Push Press, 75#/53#
Rest 1 minute between rounds. Complete 4 cycles.
Can anyone reach 7 rounds in a single cycle? Can anyone get 20 or more rounds for all 4 cycles? Can anyone do it with legitimate box jumps, simultaneous open KNEE joint/open HIP joint above surface of the box?
Post highest rep cycle and total reps for all cycles to comments/Logwod.
Another cool Pingel handstand
4,4,4,3.5 with scaled weight to 43#
I seriously got a little light headed after round 2...I think I forgot to breathe:)
Pooped out on last round. It was insane hot there at noon. I wanted to point a fan right at my face! My goal was at least 4 rds for each cycle so I guess it evened out.
maybe could have got 9 in the first round, but each subsequent round would have suffered. The last 2 minutes was rough. I think the biggest factor is picking up the bar immediately after box jumps. No rest, just pick it up. Every time.
I agree with Jake, the hardest part was going right from the jumps to getting the bar up on your shoulders..
Mental test = C+ Had 25 seconds left in the 3rd round and chose rest over hammering out one more. It was all I could do to get the 5th round in cycle 4 so maybe I wouldn't have had the gas left for a productive cycle 4 if I had finished cycle 3......I guess we'll never know but I feel like I should have tried. Hot as Africa, even in the 6am.....ready for some cool!!
Mental test = C+ Had 25 seconds left in the 3rd round and chose rest over hammering out one more. It was all I could do to get the 5th round in cycle 4 so maybe I wouldn't have had the gas left for a productive cycle 4 if I had finished cycle 3......I guess we'll never know but I feel like I should have tried. Hot as Africa, even in the 6am.....ready for some cool!!
Hot as hell but really enjoyed today's WOD
I thought I got 9 on the first cycle but I lost count so I'm puttin 8 cuz im confident with that.
Miss you all at CFO! Work has gotten really crazy and will get worse during fall. We have had multiple people quit, 3 maternity leaves coming up, my call days have increased and my hours are changing....starting earlier and staying later. So, with that said I'll be back in December. I thought about leaving as well, but having 19 years invested it's makes it hard to leave.
I will still check the blog everyday at least 10 times to keep on you all!
Great job 6:30pm