AMRAP in 2 minutes of:
4 Chest to Bar Pull ups
DB Alternating Single Arm Push Press, 6 reps
Walking Lunges, 8 steps
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 7 cycles.
For the alternating single arm push press, you get one dumbbell (rx'd is 50#/35#) and you alternate arms push pressing for a total of 6 reps.
Post total rounds completed for each of the 7 cycles to comments/Logwod.
Two huge reasons why we're going back to California. Shelley really came through with her performances on the dead-lift/box jump workout and that last chipper. In addition to that, Dustin was amazing to watch as he utterly dominated that last workout in the anchor position. He also busted out 35 handstand push ups in a row during workout #1.
Thanks guys for all your hard work. It is greatly appreciated.
Good times working out with 6am peeps!!
Good to be back after taking about 5 days off. Once again a huge 6AM class, we were almost out of pull-up bar space.
Great job 6am
20 rounds rx'd. Not nearly as tough as yesterday I thought.
In all honesty that last workout was probably the funnest team WOD I have ever been a part of! But it wouldn't have mattered how the anchor position performed without a quick start from Jon and a solid performance from both Shelley and Reba in the middle. Everyone on Team CFO definitely pulled their weight this weekend and stepped up their game. Making it back to California was a total team effort!
Our individual women competitors were spectacular and made us proud as well. Even our little cheering section was Bad A$$! Thanks to the spouses and CFO peeps that made the trip out.
Congrats again to Stacie, Libby, Kat, Ricky, Jon, Addi, Shelley, and Reba on an awesome weekend! Oh and Van Beek I'm sure you'll read this, so congrats to you too! :)
2.5 rounds per cycle except for cycle 6 where I stopped after 2 rounds.
As for the last workout, Jon Day was so fast (I got no rest) and Reba and Dustin are awesome!!
I love Joe's advice to me:
"Use those big legs and long body of yours". Then he turns around and asks me if I'm
I am so happy you all preformed so well. You are all examples to me of what I can push myself to do. I am looking forward to making the trip to see you all in Cali, that being said is anyone else interested in going. I would like a little feed back on what it was like last year.
Oh yeah I did 14 rounds rx’d not bad for a the day after a 3 day bender in vegasss.
Donohoe is out….
PS I think everyone should file thier calcuses for this one OUCH!
i liked this one a lot.
Loved today's workout. Felt pretty consistent throughout which is a hard thing for me...usually I poop out towards the end. I kept it consistent two rounds finishing with roughly 20 secs to go in the cycle each time. Total 14 rounds. Used 25# dbs and kipping pullups. I need to work on chest to bar but it always feels like I don't have the flexibility to get my chest to touch...I'm up there...just can't touch.
The dinosaurs gave Tovar a dirty look once. ONCE.