Friday 110325

Ricky Frausto Filed Under: Labels:
7 rounds for time of:
1.5/1 pood Kettlebell Swings, 15 reps
98/68 pound Power Clean, 15 reps
15 Box Jumps, 24 inch box

Post time to comments/Logwod.

Pick up the bar Ben. Sometimes we catch ourselves in this situation but don't realize it as much as the people watching. It seems like so little time passes between when you put the bar down and when you pick it up but over the course of a whole workout, that time adds up. If we add that time together, it is apparent that it is significant.

You may need to rest but just be conscious of how long you're really resting and try to use that as motivation to pick the bar up just a bit sooner or to get a rep or three more before putting it down. Just as the time wasted adds up, doing a little more work or resting a little less, here and there, adds up as well.

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18 Responses to "Friday 110325"

  1. B3nj4m1n Says:
  2. I was not just staring at the bar, I was waiting for my stomach to stop gurgling and posing for the picture.
  3. Addi Says:
  4. Meatstick!
  5. Mark Says:
  6. Yuck... still feeling sluggish like yesterday. Major DNF on this one. I thought 3 minutes a round was pretty feasible. I was wrong. I did too much of what Ben is doing in the pic. I just had nothing in the tank this morning.

    Whittman, 21 minute cutoff:
    5 rounds, 15 swings, 15 power cleans.
  7. paul Says:
  8. Brutal! This ruined my lower back. I was also completely winded, but my back was the reason I DNF'ed. 6 rds even.
  9. Hilg Says:
  10. DNF-At home with huge chunk of goo in my chest (TMI). Sweating it out not an option last couple days. Missing my health and gym!
  11. J Andresen Says:
  12. DNF - 6rds 13 cleans. As much I never want to do this again, I have a goal now to finish this workout in 21 min. Pretty much did the swings and box jumps unbroken, rested way too much on the pwr cleans.
  13. Eric C Says:
  14. Today's WOD was sponsored by Dr. Eric Clements and Dr. Jess Christiansen. You neighborhood CrossFit chiropractors.

    6 rounds, 15 swings, 15 cleans, 1 BJ, 1 back spasm.

    I worked on "pristine" technique on the first 5 rounds but my back was still locking up in rounds 6 and 7.

    Good Luck PM'ers! : )
  15. Jess Says:
  16. Too funny, Eric. I am sad I missed it. Lift smart friends!

  17. Unknown Says:
  18. I have a goal now to finish this workout in 21 min. Pretty much did the swings and box jumps unbroken, rested way too much on the pwr cleans

  19. Paula Says:
  20. Brian, I feel your pain. I've had this shit for a few days now. Didn't work weds or yesterday and they sent me home early today. I guess between not being able to talk because I lost my voice and the coughing spells they figure it's hard to give good nursing care. Ha!!
    Need to rest up this weekend and be ready to come back strong next week for the next Open WOD!!!!

    Today's WOD definitely sounds brutal!!

    Have a great weekend!!!
  21. Allison H :) Says:
  22. did opt C w/ 53# and trainer pood, 20" box jumps

    was moving slow and feeling sick after a night out for jake's 30th bday... had to force myself to class but glad I did! Now I feel great!
  23. Allison H :) Says:
  24. opt C would be 9 reps of each for 7 rounds
  25. Unknown Says:
  26. Games WOD 1 Re-Test Prep...

    Figured I'd do some heavy snatch work beforehand... Worked positioning and knees out 88, 110, 135, 155
    3 Heavy Singles - 175, 190, 195

    Did some quick math and to get 8 rds or more you need to average 1:15 per round... Set the clock to 1:15 and did a round at every beep for 3 RDS...
    RD 1 - 53 secs
    RD 2 - 55 secs
    RD 3 - 56 secs
  27. nmandresen Says:
  28. This comment has been removed by the author.
  29. nmandresen Says:
  30. 5 rounds, 2 power cleans, RX'd weight option c. Hated it.
  31. JennG Says:
  32. 6 rounds + 4 box jumps, rx'd weight/reps, but used a stack of plates rather than a box for jumps.

    I've fallen off the boxes and skinned up my shins so many times that I am terrified of them. I LOOK at the box and can't breath, so I decided to go shorter to reduce a little of the anxiety. I've been working really hard to acknowledge my limitations & set myself up for small successes rather than endless frustrations. It was actually cool to FEEL consecutive jumps on the plates rather than struggle on a box. I guess Ricky really knows what he's talking about. HA!! Thanks for all the help and coaching.
  33. Pastor Justin Says:
  34. 21:30 Rx'd

    This was stupid hard on my low back. At round four I thought there was no way I could finish... Then Ricky started yelling at me. I definitely pushed harder than I normally do but still got a DNF in the time allotted.

    I won't be trying the games wod tomorrow and I'm hoping I can stand up straight!

    Ricky it doesn't look like the logwod is posted.
  35. Unknown Says:
  36. Um pretty sure i almost died that day. Great work out.

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