Thursday 101209

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

You gotta try this stuff. You can pick it up at @WholeFoodsOmaha or even @NoNameNutrition. Great mineral supplement that most are deficient in and great for sleep and/or getting that restroom going..... going. If you want to pick it up online click here.

The checking in through Facebook on your phone is really starting to take off. We have about 15 to 17 people fighting for 12 spots to get into that snatch seminar. It's not too late to get in on the action either. Some have only checked in once or twice.

Unfortunately, if your phone is not newer or it doesn't have the capabilities for the Facebook app, you won't be able to get in on the fun. You can get in on another deal though. If you have a Facebook account, visit CrossFit Omaha's page (link to the upper right of this website). Once there, suggest our page to as many of your friends as possible. If we get our likes up to 1000 (currently just under 500) by next Saturday at midnight, I am offering a special seminar to everyone who's interested. Check out what that seminar is about HERE (need Facebook account).

It pays to be a member of CFO.............. In more ways than one.

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10 Responses to "Thursday 101209"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. Natural Calm is fantastic. My sleep quality has been through the roof lately. I can only get 6 hours of sleep a night at most during the week, but I always feel relatively rested - at least long enough to hold out for the weekend naps! Plus, it's delicious. I like delicious. sells the 16 oz. size for about $23 - about what Whole Foods charges for the 8 oz.
  3. paul Says:
  4. i just got my ass handed to me. one of those mornings. i might come in later, though, because some days pain feels good.
  5. Unknown Says:
  6. Hey so this is really random but I thought a few of you might have an opinion. I'll be in the Houston area and in Fort Collins for a bit over the holiday and wondered if anyone knew anything about the CFs in either location. I looked on the main site and there are like 8 in Houston and I would like to go to a few but wasn't sure which would be the most open to out of town visitors for a few days.
    If anyone has been to any, would you mind posting and letting me know what you thought or you could tell me in person, as well:)? Or if any of the coaches at ours know anything I am open to suggestions.

    Thanks for the help-
    Jess J.
  7. Natalie Says:
  8. I've used the baby version of this stuff when my little one wouldn't sleep through the night. It is an amazing, all natural product!
  9. Iron Nerd Says:
  10. What about Natural Calm if you're already taking Magnesium? I definitely am a believer in Magnesium for sleep, so I pop a couple (2x250mg) about an hour before bed. I love anything that helps me sleep, since I tend to have problems in that department, so if this stuff would help, I'm in.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Lift (1 Main, 1 Supplement) + Metcon

    Full Snatch - 2RM - Prior Best 195
    110, 154, 175, 190, 199 :)
    - Pretty sure my ass was touching the floor on the last 199 attempt... Haha

    Sumo DL - 5RM (Dropped at the top)
    199, 229, 249 - Still Feeling Way too Heavy

    "Mini" Barbara
    10 Pull Ups
    20 Push Ups
    30 Sit Ups
    40 Squats
    ** Rest 2 Mins Between RDS - 5RDS
    RD 1 - 2:05
    RD 2 - 2:10
    RD 3 - 2:11
    RD 4 - 2:15
    RD 5 - 2:15
    - I'm pretty happy with this one.. Did something like this two months ago and was pulling 2:30s
  13. Shelley Says:
  14. Did 3x7 OHS: 77,87,92x8; had to start over on 3rd set when I dropped the bar after 1 rep; was able to get 8 more then at 92. The last set was for max reps.

    metcon: 9 c&j's, 5 HSPU's, 7 c&j's, 7 HSPU's, 5 c&j's, 9 HSPU's
    114# on c&j's. HSPU's were as follows:
    1 strict w/ 1 abmat, 4 kipping w/ 1 abmat
    7 kipping w/ 1 abmat
    2 kipping w/1 abmat, missed 3rd attempt so added second abmat and did rest w/ 2 abmats(still missed 2 so had to redo these)

    Endurance on hspu's is weak; OHS's will never be on my wish list in a WOD.
  15. Hilg Says:
  16. Keep it coming on the sleep stuff....a real problem for me...I'm going to pick up some Calm!

    I am a POS (LOL)! Did Tuesday's WOD today and it I felt like I'd never worked out before. Took we 24 minutes and I scaled the last two rounds to 88lbs and 1.5pd. One of those days, I guess. Tomorrow's a new day.

  17. Addi Says:
  18. OHS - 98x7, 103x2 (wrist gave out), 88x8

    OHS felt weak today - my shoulders and wrists just aren't used to it anymore. Surprisingly, though, my legs didn't crap out on me. Mostly, though, I think I just overestimated what weight I could put up.

    Metcon - 7:37 w/114# and kipping HSPU w/ 1 abmat. I tried to kip as little as necessary, which quite quickly became a hell of a lot. HSPU actually felt pretty decent, considering how wrecked my shoulders were. Mostly one at a time, and a miss here and there, but every once in a while I'd hit them just right and crank out 3 or 4.
  19. Stacie Says:
  20. Overhead Squat: 132 x 9

    Metcon: 6:50ish
    Kipped HSPU w/out ab mat Round 1
    Kipped HSPU w/ ab mat Round 2 & 3

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