Press 5-5-5 reps
Post weights to comments/Logwod.
Anyone who says that full squats are "bad for the knees" has, with that statement, demonstrated conclusively that they are not entitled to an opinion about the matter.
People who know nothing about a topic, especially a very technical one that requires specific training, knowledge, and experience, are not due an opinion about that topic and are better served by being quiet when it is asked about or discussed. For example, when brain surgery, or string theory, or the NFL draft, or woman's dress sizes, or white wine is being discussed, I remain quiet, odd though that may seem. But seldom is this the case when orthopedic surgeons, athletic trainers, physical therapists, or nurses are asked about full squats. - Coach Rippetoe
Wit and Wisdom of Mark Rippetoe
Post favorite quote to comments.
"Newb: Got any good ab exercises?
Rip: Got any better questions? "
But, of course, there's always the classic,
"If you insist on wearing gloves, make sure they match your purse."
You know who you are.
"You must wear socks or workout pants on the Dead Lifts. We don't want your DNA on the barbell."
Press - 3X5
95#, 135#, 156# (4)... Just Missed Getting 5... But only hit 3 with this weight last time so it's improvement
Front Squat 4X3 (Tried for a new rep max... Needed 256 for 3 to move my 1RM up)
165, 209, 243, 258X3... Should Have Seen if I could get 4... Felt Solid
KB Swing Speed... 59# 3X21 Unbroken reps with 60-75 secs between
1- 41 secs, 2-38 secs, 3- 37 secs
Metcon.... Felt inspired by Barbara so threw together a variation of her..
10 L Hold Pull Ups (Had to do a "Z hold" instead)
20 Alternating Pistol Squats
30 AbMat Sit Ups
* Rest 3 mins between RDS *
1- 3:01 (Legs were still out of it from swings cause I started RD 1 right after the swings)
2- 2:47 .... Thats better
3- 2:28 .... This should have been RD 1 Time
88#x5 this am.
Great job 5am'ers!!!!!
I did 132 x 5, 142 x 5 and 154 x 4...