Friday 101022

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
"The Final Ascent" (dedicated to Steve Filips)
5-10-15 reps for time of:
225# Back Squat
Box Jumps, 24 inch box

Steve, we are forever grateful that you are removed from harm's way.

Post time to comments/Logwod.

Jeff Shannon locks out a press.

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12 Responses to "Friday 101022"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I just wanted to wish Jess and Brian a Happy Wedding Day and can't wait to help celebrate with you all! Congrats again!!
  3. Hilg Says:
  4. Congrats to Brian and Jess!

    3:50 at 198# unbroken and 20#, maybe should/could have gone heavier. Barely made the first box jump after the set of 15 squats.

    Paul, you are a Steely Beast! Don't even know what that means but you are one. LOL

    Great job 6amers!

  5. paul Says:
  6. Congrats, Jess and Brian!

    Steve, we're awfully glad you made it off that mountain. I just hope you took the reading on qualia with you.

    Hilg, you are quite a beast yourself, bro!

    5:00 flat, rx'ed. my lower back was unbelievably fatigued at the end of this. Tough one to do the day after christine (even at the leisurely pace I did christine).
  7. Greg MO Says:
  8. Hooray for BC and the future Mrs. BC!

    Awesome wod for Steve, glad all are home safe and sound!

    =3:09 rxd with all squat sets unbroken

    This 1 is tougher than it looks, BJs got really slow!
  9. Gina Says:
  10. Congrats Brian and Jess!
    Steve, I'm so glad you are safe!

    6:50 with 108# and a 20" box
  11. kahrs Says:
  12. 3:30 or 40 don't remember what Joe said, 198 20" box, unbroken, the last reps were tough mainly because my head was going to explode. I still have a terrible head ache.
  13. Steve Says:
  14. Ricky- thanks for the honor. Just glad it wasn't posthumous...
  15. Eric C Says:
  16. Congrats BC and Jess! WOOO HOOOO!


    : )
  17. Chip Says:
  18. 5:19 with 208# and 24" box. Probably too heavy, bar was slipping down my back. High rep squats are brutal. Good job 4:30.
  19. Pastor Justin Says:
  20. 3:21 @174#

    That was really tough! My legs were still fatigued from christine. That last round of squats and box jumps were scary!
  21. BigD Says:
  22. Congrats Brian and Jess! Also, glad you're back in one piece Steve!
    4:57 RX'd. Tried going unbroken on squats. Had to break up last set. Legs are DONE!
  23. Kat Says:
  24. 5:54 rx'd (154#/20inch box)

    I had to break up back squats by 5 reps each round. :( My form was terrible...definately need to work on keeping my chest up at the bottom of the squat and keeping my knees out. Slow, slow, slow.....thanks for yelling at me Libby and all the coaching Ricky.

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