Tuesday 100803

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Handstand Push ups

There is a 12 minute cut-off for this workout.

Post time to comments/LogWod.

If you haven't read the posts from yesterday's comments, you can by clicking HERE.

Final Day Set up. It was amazing to walk into the stadium on Sunday morning and see this.

A couple of things:
1. When you walk in the gym, take a look up at the CFO Upcoming Events Calendar. It has been updated.

2. To the right of this blog post, under the Innate Fitness link, you will find a link to the updated Burpee Laws. A few changes have been made but more than anything, they have been more clearly defined.

3. If you had a bit of trouble with yesterday's WOD and would like some dedicated coaching on this lift, we are hosting a Snatch seminar on Saturday, August 21st from 12 to 3PM. We are also holding a Clean & Jerk seminar the weekend before, on August 14th. For more info, head on over to the strength blog, Strength Development Inc. for more info.

4. We are also going to be putting up a new members wall over the next day or two. Any members that are within their first two months of training with us, please see myself or Amanda so that we can add you to the new member wall. It is much appreciated.

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11 Responses to "Tuesday 100803"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. What's up!? Messed around with a lot of weaknesses in the afternoon...
    Muscle ups.. 3 every few mins for 5 mins 7 rope climbs.. Working on my foot lock then..
    Gh sit ups and pistols together in a quick couplet
    Rested for three hours...
    Hill sprints at Burke HS..
    1 Seven Second sprint up a 30 yard hill at about a 45 degree incline every 45 seconds for 9 mins
  3. Hilg Says:
  4. Big 6am class today....Great job everybody!

    8:08 Diane (got 12 HSPU total then resorted to 30lb DB)

    Would have like to have had more but this is the most I've every done so there's that.

    Travel day tomorrow so I'll see ya Thursday.

  5. Hilg Says:
  6. Hey, Paul, when do you leave for the wedding??
  7. paul Says:
  8. I'm already in Lexington, KY, Brian! The wedding is Saturday.

    Got my ass kicked here. Did the WOD at Crossfit Maximus (formerly Crossfit Lexington):

    7 rds
    7 KB swings (45#--about 1.25 pd)
    7 ring dips
    7 KTEs
    7 DB power snatch RH (45#)
    7 DB power snatch LH (45#)


    then a few min later, 400m for time: 1:26

    Tried not to rest too much. I did, though.
  9. Eric C Says:
  10. 10:54 Rx'd I will probably never say this again, but "the deadlifts were easy today"

    I'm actually very happy with finishing. Did this in August last year (3 months into CF) and used 160# for the deadlift and was only able to do 25 HSPU's before going to negatives.

    It's nice to see progress once in a while!!!!

    I'll probably try a 1RM deadlift tomorrow so I can get back to reality...
  11. paul Says:
  12. It's awesome that you finished, Eric. HSPU remain my biggest weakness, even worse than snatches.
  13. Pastor Justin Says:
  14. 4:28 rx'd
  15. Kat Says:
  16. Went rx'd on DL but i scaled HSPU by using 1 abmat and changing reps to 9, 6, 3. Finished at 8:47. I didn't break up any deadlifts but HSPU sucked balls. I did about 10 extra bc my feet wouldn't stay on the wall. After the wod I worked on them for a bit longer. They are getting better but I still have a lot of work to do. Thanks for all the help Jimbo!
  17. Kelli Says:
  18. 10:49 132# DL and negatives. That is more than twice the time that I had last year. Kinda shows all that I lost...if I can give one ounce of advice...NEVER STOP! On a positive note, my body is getting back into the swing of things again ;)
  19. Crystal Says:
  20. 10:47. Rx'd for deadlifts and did 9-6-3 Reps for HSPU's. I was able to do 9 strict and 9 kipping out of the 18 total reps and only had 3 failed attempts. I was very happy with that. Deadlifts were fairly easy broke up 21 reps into 12 & 9, reps 15 into 9 & 6 and completed last round of 9 unbroken.

    It was awesome hearing everyone cheering tonight. Great job 6:30.
  21. O'Kief Says:
  22. 9:32. Rx on DL; 12;9;6 on HSPU. Pretty happy with this. First time my shoulder has allowed any hspus in a while.

    The Pastor just smoked this WOD.

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