Thursday 100826

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

Broad, General, and Inclusive (by the way, this was the level 1 seminar that Joe and I got certified at.)

Bring food, bring drinks, but most importantly, bring your friends and family to the gym this Saturday at 9am. There will only be one workout with grilling and eating afterward. Look for the email being sent out today.

Want to try grass-fed rib-eye? How about pastured bacon? We are going to be placing an order for both pastured beef and pastured pork. If you want in, email me pronto. As soon as I get a final number, I will find out what the average price will be per bundle of both kinds of meats and let you know. This is some really good stuff and it is local.

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13 Responses to "Thursday 100826"

  1. paul Says:
  2. did a modified version of yesterday's. did 5 muscle-ups instead of 18 pullups, 30 GH situps instead of 54 regular situps, and used 132 for the push presses and jerks (though only 110 for strict press). DNF! I was on pace to finish, but 13 muscle-ups was all i could do today. After a 3 or 4 failures to complete no. 14, I just moved on, finishing around 17:30 or so.p
  3. Steve Says:
  4. I plan on doing an extended version of the taco ride tonite. I'm starting from Omaha and should pass thru the trailhead around 5:45. If anyone else is up for it, let me know.
  5. Eric C Says:
  6. Nice job on the muscle ups today Paul. It's cool when guy (or girls) can string 3,4 or 5 together like that.

    Oly lifting w/ Greg Mo today.
    1RM on Power snatch = 142#
    1 RM Overhead squat= 184# = PR! I feel like I should get engaged now. HA!
    3 RM deadlift = 264#
  7. paul Says:
  8. HA! Thanks for the props, Eric. And for remembering the conditions of my engagement. It was awesome to watch you and Greg Mo. I am green with envy of your OHS.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Not feeling it lately so decided to do a deload day... Well sort of

    Snatch Balance Max - 242... Missed 252

    Clean work
    Tall Clean, Power Clean + PP, Full Clean + Split Jerk
    110, 154, 175

    Back Squat 4X2
    45, 135, 225, 255

    Did the main site wod
    21 Strict Pull Ups
    21 HSPUs (Went down to an AbMat)
    18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
    Tried to break 20 mins...
  11. Allison H :) Says:
  12. made up yesterday's chipper. scaled quite a bit for me
    used 53#
    1 press
    9 PUs
    3 push press
    20 DUs
    5 jerks
    40 SUs
    the DUs always get me!!! can't wait for the day when they are all together instead of every other jump.... what's the secret???
  13. Allison H :) Says:
  14. P.S. - for 3 rounds
  15. Allison H :) Says:
  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
  17. paul Says:
  18. the DU secret is practice. any of the OG crossfitters can tell you how much i used to suck at DUs. now if only i had the discipline to practice HSPU like that...
  19. BC Says:
  20. I concur with Paul on the DU's. I remember being giddy as Ralphie on Christmas morning the 1st I strung together 12 in a row. Keep working and you'll get them.

    On another note, it's really nice to see Paul and E's bromance blossoming into something special. Could CFO's 1st civil union be on the hoizon???
  21. paul Says:
  22. you're just jealous, BC. maybe if you got your ass to 6am, you wouldn't feel so left out?
  23. Allison H :) Says:
  24. heeeey-YO!!!!!!!!!!!

    thanks guys for the tips!
  25. Addi Says:
  26. Aww... love is in the air.

    And it smells surprisingly like bacon.

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