Thursday 100603

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

Rest Day Squat 3x5 (add 5 pounds to last workout)

Ryan shows us how to grit through some oh squats.

Reminder that registration for the next session of small group strength training opens up this Sunday, June 6th. There will be live links both here and on my training blog. At the moment, there are only 6 spots open at 7:30PM and 7 spots open at 3:30PM. This may change so I will keep you posted.

Because the spots are slim pickings and the information, coaching, and strength development that you will receive, I would make sure that you sign up immediately if you want to get in. This session is for Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday starting on Tuesday, June 22.

There is a 10 day early bird discount where the price is $150. After ten days, the price goes up to $200. Don't miss out.

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5 Responses to "Thursday 100603"

  1. BigD Says:
  2. Made up the shuttle run WOD from yesterday. Legs were jello from squats/DL last night. Couldn't breath when I got to the bench part. Those extra seconds to catch my breath killed me.
    1:51/1:50 RX'd. F-me!
    Great seeing the 6AM crew!
  3. ZachR Says:
  4. Got in two WODs from earlier in the week.

    5RM Back Squat

    Shuttle Sprint/Bench
    Round 1: 1:13
    Round 2: 1:07

    I made up those 6 seconds on Bench Press in round 2. I was protecting my shoulder a bit in Round 1 and they were much slower.

    Day 3 of the Paleo Challenge with only one little slip so far...sugar free energy drink.
  5. paul Says:
  6. I did a variation of DT with 142: starting every 2 min, 12 DL, 9 hang cleans, 6 jerks. this got very hard by rd 3 and i DNF'ed rd 4 (got all but the last jerk). took 2 min rest and then finished rd. 5. finished at 12:20. i could barely open my hands by that point.
  7. Donohoe Says:
  8. I did yesterdays sprint ladder
    did three rounds
    5-101-15 with 55pd
    then 10 100pd shoulder press
    1.22 1.25 1.?
    I took at least 2.30 min rest so I could max out efforts
    Donohoe is out,
  9. Unknown Says:
  10. Made the switch to 2 on / 1 off til the meet on July 10th-
    Actually it will be 2 cycles of 2/1 then a max cycle of 1/1

    The First day of each 2 day cycle has either a snatch or c/j emphasis while the second day is assistance work finishing with a WOD

    Day one - Snatch Emphasis (85-90%)
    110, 154, 175 - all doubles
    185, 190, 195, 199 - singles

    Front Squat - Using the Russian Squat program for three weeks
    5X5 - 85% (235#) - Did last two sets with 235# - last two reps were tough but no misses

    GH Raises X10 - 3 sets
    CTB Strict Pull Ups X10 - 3 sets

    Short Metcon:
    Single Arm Snatches X5EA (55#)
    10 DB Swings (55#)
    3RDS - Wanted to break 2 mins - No such luck - 2:35

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