Saturday 100619

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
9 rounds for time of:
9 Kettle Bell Swings, 1.5/1 pood
9 Push ups

There is a ten minute cut-off for this workout.

10AM is Open Gym

Post time to comments/LogWod.

CrossFit Games competitors:
Back Squat 3x2 @ 90%
followed by,

If you look to the right, in the middle column titled About CrossFit Omaha, you will see a couple of changes.

First off, I moved the workouts on the road, videos page, and our photos to the far right column. Just in case you were wondering where they went.

Secondly, I added two new links. The first one is for the newly created website for our strength class. Here you will find upcoming dates (so you can plan ahead), pricing structure, registration links, and nothing but strength info. I will be posting a conditioning WOD for strength athletes here. Conditioning that won't take away from developing strength. Check back soon for some good stuff.

The second link is for our community directory. I want to build a business directory with everyone in the gym that feels they can contribute in some way through their place of business. We have doctors, chiropractors, collision repair owners, software experts, computer programmers, nurses, lawyers, babysitters, bankers, insurance agents, restaurant owners, etc. With all this expertise, lets help each other out and make our community stronger. Click on the link and add your listing. Thanks.

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6 Responses to "Saturday 100619"

  1. Mark Says:
  2. Great article on scaling at
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Damn, what a joke training was today... >(

    Deload Snatch Cycle 60-70%
    Just wanted to work on not catching forward with light weight and guess what about half the time I end up catching forward!

    Front Squat 2X2@100% of old max (275#)
    Couldn't get the set of two like I wanted so I tried to just get 4 reps at 275... Got two and then proceeded to miss four reps in a row... ridiculous

    Natural GH Raises 3X8
    Ring Dips X10
    CTB Pull Ups X15
  5. Addi Says:
  6. 8:07 rx'd

    Was hoping to get under 8, but pushups just weren't great today. Didn't like how much I had to rest, but couldn't have gone any faster.

    Back squat 3x2 @ 198#

    Thanks for the cues, Ricky - I've been letting little stuff slide in my warmup sets and then it inevitably comes back to bite me in the ass at the working sets. (shocking, no?) Today was much better.
  7. paul Says:
  8. Really fun to do the swings and pushups. Took me 6:38. That's a few seconds slower than 2 years ago, but I'm okay with that.
  9. Kat Says:
  10. 8:51 I think...I used my phone for a stop watch at Gold's today and I got a text a few minutes after I started and had to start the clock over again...damn text messages!

    I probably could have gone a little faster with my pushups in the beginning but didn't want to fry my arms. I'm guilty at holding back too much and not pushing myself to the limit each wod.

    I did 2 x400m sprints then ran 1.5 miles after the wod
  11. Shelley Says:
  12. went to Wehrspan Lake today and ran 10 160 meter sprints with 90 seconds rest between each one. Times ranged between 28 and 33 seconds with the first one being my slowest...most were done in 29 or 30 seconds. About an hour later I did 50 pushups for time and finished in 4:42.

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