Tuesday 100601

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Back Squat 5RM

Find your 5 rep max low bar back squat

Post weight to comments/LogWod.

Coach Rip on Hip Drive during the Back Squat

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9 Responses to "Tuesday 100601"

  1. Hilg Says:
  2. 288# X 5

    Actually X 7! Attempted 288 the first time and Amanda kept me honest....wasn't low enough on 2-3 of the 5 reps....seriously Thank You, Amanda!

    Good working out with you John....I think you got 350 in ya for that one once the shoulders 100%.

  3. paul Says:
  4. Awesome work, nooners! Some serious weight got moved!

    I got 308. Got frustratingly close to 318.
  5. Addi Says:
  6. 184. On a good day, I know I could have gotten closer to 200, but my form wasn't feeling the greatest today, and this felt heavy.

    Then did that running/squats nonsense. 14:28 of leg death. The only way it could have been worse is if it had included situps. Hated it. But enjoyed the little bit of rain during it. Nice work, Libby and Paul! My goal was to not get lapped. Just barely avoided it that last round.
  7. Unknown Says:
  8. Max Out

    Snatch - Last Time I got 214# (235 is my PR)
    - Approached this like a competition - Warmed up on one platform and did my three max attempts on another - 1 min clock
    - Warm Ups - 110, 154, 175, 189
    - Platform attempts -
    204 (Make), 214 (Miss), 220 (Make!!)

    5 Mins Rest

    Same approach for a Clean and Jerk
    - Warm Ups - 154, 198, 220, 242
    - Platform Attempts -
    258 (Make), 263 (Miss), 265 (Make!!)

    ** This is the heaviest I've gotten on either lift in 8 months :)

    Front Squat Work
    - Work up quick to 90% of max
    - Ha I almost Cleaned My Front Squat Max (270)
    - Work Sets - 252, 257, 262, 267 (Singles)

    Row Sprints - 100m with a running 1 min clock as rest
    - All Sprint had to break at least 17.5 secs to count - 10 RDS
    - No Misses but I was really close quite a few times... Hit 16.4 as a 100m PR
  9. Allison H :) Says:
  10. 125x5
    need to work on not going to low for squat, and keeping chest up... bar over toes. then need to work on getting more weight!
  11. Allison H :) Says:
  12. This comment has been removed by the author.
  13. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  14. Congrats Lauren on your first muscle up!!
  15. Addi Says:
  16. Congratulations, Lauren!
  17. Stacie Says:
  18. Proud of you Lauren! Keep it up stud!!

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