Bench Press 5RM
Find your 5 rep max bench press.
Notice: As a female, you may reach your 5RM very early in the workout, due to a number of reasons. If this is the case for you, when you reach your 5RM, take a little bit of weight off that max and perform a few sets of max reps with proper rest between sets. Ask your class coach for guidance.
Cookie: (cookies are not coached and are optional)
AMRAP in 5 minutes of:
10 Double Unders
5 Toes 2 Bar
Post bench press 5RM to comments/LogWod.
Apparently, there was another competition going on in Castle Rock and it had nothing to do with CrossFit. Looks like Paul may have won too.
Great job 5am!
79#, tried 84# but failed on the last rep
Great job 6am crew. ;u)
Tomorrow is my bday and I would like to invite ya'll to roja for FAJITA FRENZY and MARGARITAS! Ill be there around 715...come when ya can!
I got an all-time PR of 220. I used to bench all the time before starting CF, and 215x5 was my record. That dropped a little at first, but now I can safely say, across the board, I am stronger than I've ever been.
Band Resisted Tall Snatch X 2 (55#)
Snatch (80-90%)
Work Sets 154X1, 174X1, 184X1, 189X1X2
Front Squat 5X3
135, 185, 225, 245, 256X3
Heavy DB Row - 55-60# X3X10
Weighted Sit Ups 55-65# X3X15
1 Stair Sprint (2 Flights)
2 Rope Climbs (12 ft)
5 Push Press (155#)
5RDs - 6:55 - First metcon I've gone somewhat hard at since Regionals.. Feels good to get back to it..