5 rounds for time of:
5 Push Presses (154#/104#)
30 Double Unders
Scaled weights are as follows:
65#/33# (newbies)
This workout has a 12 minute cut-off and the bar is taken from the ground.
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Shelley, post suicide run and on the ground of her own free will. Only a few moments earlier, Shelley was on the ground too but not of her own free will.
Three darts is too much!................
Iceland Annie at the European Regionals - video [wmv] [mov]
Annie T from Iceland was only muscle-ups away from maybe winning last year's games. She had never done one before and could only do one at during the final chipper. I think she will be one of the front runners this year.
Check out her chest to bar pull ups during this workout, not to mention the whole workout itself.
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Annie T from Iceland was only muscle-ups away from maybe winning last year's games. She had never done one before and could only do one at during the final chipper. I think she will be one of the front runners this year.
Check out her chest to bar pull ups during this workout, not to mention the whole workout itself.
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If you don't have an account, create one and then let me know which email account you used so that I can add you to the gym.
You won't be able to see our gym wods until you let me know, so that i can add you.
Great job to everyone who showed up for snatch. Bah Humbug to those that didn't. Hopefully we'll catch you on the next one.
Great job 5am'ers! Those DU's are looking better!
Jess, it's been nice to have you in class these past few mornings!
11:31 using 53# (77# was a little too heavy for me)
I flew through the PP and spent the majority of the time on DUs. Dang it.
Great job 6am peeps.
When I was in it, I knew I could have done 93#, even if I would have had to redo a couple cleans and take a little longer.
Hard workin' girl, you are, Shelley!
It's fun to watch you jumping up in weight right now, Paula.
Vicki: what a blast. Way to go on adding that weight!You're making drastic improvements and it's really fun for all of us to see that in you!
5 rounds was tooooo muuuuuuch....
I was cruising til the last round when my push presses came to a screeching halt.
Loved this one. Short and heavy = favorite. Had to use a short rope (too many tall people at noon - we need to cap according to height. or I need to bring my own rope.) but that wasn't as bad as I expected - definitely slowed me down a little, but not much. Push press felt nice and heavy.
After, worked on muscle-ups for a bit. Strung 2 kipping together for the first time, AND got my first strict muscle-up. And my second, and my third. Much better day than yesterday. :)
Nice work, noon!
Wish I had read this before snatch yesterday. :)
It really is amazing to watch people that have perfect form. They make it look so effortless.
4:01 rx