25-20-15-10-5 rep rounds for time of:
Double Unders
Kettle Bell Swings, 1.5/1 pood
Pull ups (not c2b)
15 minute cut-off.
If you have to use assistance (bands) for pull ups, your reps will be automatically scaled to 15-12-9-6-3. If you do not have double unders, you will just count attempts and promise to practice them after the workout.
The challenge within the challenge is to do double unders each round unbroken before moving on to the next exercise (even if it takes you 5 different times to get 25 unbroken, etc). If this is accomplished, you may add "+ challenge" to your name on the whiteboard.
For example, Ricky Frausto - #:## rx'd + challenge. Remember, you cannot do this unless all double unders are unbroken, no matter how many attempts.
Post time to comments/LogWod.

As I mentioned yesterday, the gym will be ordering some grass-fed beef in the next couple of weeks. This is some very good stuff, both tasting and for you. If you are interested in cowpooling with us, please notify me by email (ricky@crossfitomaha.net) as soon as possible. This is just in time for the Nutrisimple paleo challenge.
Next Saturday, May 29th, we will be heading over to the Fox and Hound Pub on 120th street to watch our very own Jason Brilz fight in the UFC. We have tables reserved for up to 25 people so if you would like to join us, please sign the sheet that is in the gym on the whiteboard asap. The cost is $5 per person to get in but we are guaranteed tables in the fight room.
These will go fast so please get your name on the sign up sheet as quickly as possible.
These will go fast so please get your name on the sign up sheet as quickly as possible.
Don't forget the silent auction guys. We are estimating our costs to be around 700 or more per person to get out to California and any help would be incredible. Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity. It is greatly appreciated.
Finally, some of you have asked and I am fully aware that the stink and drink is on the same night as the first Paleo challenge meeting. Unfortunately, this will remain. Sorry for any inconvenience. Speaking of the Paleo challenge, hop on over to the Nutrisimple Blog and read up on the latest post concerning the next challenge and what is required of you.
Did 4 rounds of KB Swings unbroken tho and pull-ups have never felt better or worse....wierd.
Did a little fistpump after completing round 4....never been so excited to DNF.....double wierd.
Good job on bench today Eric! The 'stache is making you stronger! :)
Great Job 6am, especially the guys doing 2pd.
10:17 Rx'd "+". Had to redo 1st set of DU's. Missed on rep 8. All the rest were clean.
GooGoo Dolls tonight at Stir! Anyone else going?
Great job 5am'ers! Hope you feel better, Jeremy!
i can barely lift my arms now.
From www.ten-o.com
Hope they fit!
Talk about finishing just in time!
I did the swings unbroken until it was the 15. my hands tore from pullups towards the end of the first round..which made my life awesome for this wod! As Ricky said, "I have mangina hands" :(