Double Met-Con
AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
Ground to Overhead w/ Squat (186#/125#)
Rest 30 seconds
AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
Burpee Pull ups
5'7" and under on pull up cage. The use of rings are permitted for those that can not jump to bar on pull up cage.
Rest 30 minutes
With a continuously running clock, you will start every 4th minute with a 400 meter run (including starting the workout with a 400). The rest of the time, until the next 4th minute, try to attain the most amount of reps as possible repeating the following sequence in order:
7#/5# Handstand Push ups
14 Kettle Bell Swings (1.5 pood/1 pood)
7 Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge (1.5 pood/1 pood)
You will run to start the workout, again at minute 4, minute 8, minute 12, and minute 16 as the workout ends at the 20 minute mark.
Post total reps from workout #1 and workout #2, separately, to comments.

From front to back, Lindsey H., Mike E., John K., Dustin T., Addi K., unknown behind Addi, Jen T., and in the back, Tom M.
Great job on the mile run guys.
Gym will be open for a** kickings at 1:15PM
deadlift 3x5
295-315-335 this felt terrible
3x3 snatch in 3 minutew with 100-135-155 my form sucked bad on the last set I was fried from the deadlifts I think.
Finally, a course of tire flips and fast feet ladder..Reliving the football glory days.
Now it is time for some carcass....
Happy sunday all.
140 reps for WOD 2. Scaled HSPU with purple/purple bands which meant 7 reps of HSPU's per round. Completed one full round in each of 5 rounds.
Great job everyone!
Today was such a fun day! It was great to work out with SOO many amazing people!
WOD 1- 2 reps @ 104# for GTOH. i did way better at sectional w/this. missed a couple at 104# so dropped to 99# and missed all of those. this was a bummer. 13 reps for burpee pullups. Total Reps - 15
WOD 2- 32 total reps. i got my first handstand push-ups (w/kip & no ab mat). that made my day! did first round rx'd and then went to 1ab mat w/7 HSPU's for remaining 4 rounds. only made it to KBS on round 4.
WOD1- 8 reps Rx'd. (happy with that). Then 29 Burpee Pullups (I just didn't think they were that hard)
WOD2- 31,31,28,23,28 = 141. My shoulders were possessed as I did 3 rounds of HSPU's unbroken. Not sure where that came from, but I like it!