You have 30 minutes to practice and address weak areas of the snatch. You have a number of choices. You can go for a 3 rep max, a 1 rep max, you can stay at a percentage of your old 1 rep max and work on speed, or you can just stay light and work rep after rep of technique.
You must catch in a squat. No power catching and then overhead squatting. Let go of all the stops and make yourself pull underneath that bar.
followed by,
AMRAP in 6 minutes of:
5 Box Jumps (24"/20")
5 Push ups
Post results to comments.
I recently had some trouble with my email account and so with that, decided to change hosts. If you have recently tried to contact me through, I probably didn't receive your email. If you'll send it again, I can be reached now at Send all further correspondence to this new email address. Thanks.
Nice work, 6am!
Today I had my first opportunity to truly learn how to perform the movement, so Ricky and Amanda kept me honest. I finsihed the day at 110#. I'll take that as a good starting point.
Great work 6 am!
Snatch balance: worked up to 99#; didn't try heavier. This is my first time with this one.
In 5 minutes AMRAP:
3 SDHP at 92# Rx'd
10 vertical jumps
Completed 10 full rounds. I made sure to keep my back upright on SDHP so as not to hurt my back as I have hunched over the bar in the past.
Way to Kill the snatch balance Megan G!!!
Snatch balance 87# twice. Attempted 99# but it wasn't happening! My wrist were killing me and there was no tape! Definately stopping by the store tonight! Great job Megan! You are a beast with the overhead shit!
METCON: 8rnds+3sdlhp and 2vertical jumps.
GREAT JOB 7am crew!
13 rounds for the metcon
Lift + 1 / 1
** Changing lifting emphasis to more unbroken sets, higher rep O-Lifts and putting lifts on the clock **
Thrusters 4X8 (Unbroken Sets)
110, 154, 175, 191X6
Heavy BO Row 3X6
125, 145, 160
SS w/
Back Extension + GH Raise 3X8
Burpee Pull Ups - Max Reps in 3 min
- 38 - Kip Seemed Way too slow I need to work on my movement speed
3 SDHP (136#)
** 6 Mins **
- HSPU are way hard again... Only finished 5 1/2 RDS + 4 HSPU's
100m Shuttle Sprint (25mX4)
50 DU's
** 4 mins **
- 4 RD + 1/4 (Got 50m into the sprint)
Walking OH Lunges (44#)
** 2 Mins - Max Reps **
- 50 Reps Total
Working towards 3 Wods on Day 1 and a single, longer WOD on Day 2....
We'll see if it pays off...
Snatch - 125# We meet at last - been failing at this weight the last 2 1RM days. It felt pretty decent - 130 is CLOSE. Just have to get my head into it.
AMRAP - 14 rounds. Goal was to not break up pushups. Didn't have to pike in between until round 11. I feel pretty awesome about that.
19:23 - handstand walks got HARD, but I like them. :) Starting in the 3rd round, broke squats up 10-10 and tried to keep them fast - they felt good once I did that.
DNF: could do all back squats unbroken as Rx'd 93#(5x20), but I can't do handstand walks so did handstands against wall and walked sideways. This was very slow going. After last set of squats, worked on handstand walks as Rx'd. My biggest obstacle on these is fear; I'm afraid I'll fall and hurt myself so in most of my attempts, I wasn't getting vertical.
I finished in 28 something. Not sure about the seconds. I did the 1st round of squats without breaking them up. The 2nd and 3rd 12/8. 4th 14/6. and 5th was 11/9. I really tried to focus on my knees which made all my squats REALLY SLOW!
Handstand walks...holy crap! They suck! I don't think I have ever sweat so much in my life! I did the 1st rnd on the wall and the 2nd rnd I did half on the wall and decided to try to do the rest rx'd. I did but MAN IT TOOK FOREVER! I was literally moving inch by inch. The most I moved was 3 handsteps. I did that twice. All the other times I barely got 2....oh and a killer headache!
Thanks for all the encouragement!
Definately need to work on the gymnastic part of xfit!